January 10, 2025, 05:17:40 am

Classic Information

Opticraft Classic is a free build server. It is fitted with ranks, auto generated worlds, and an anti-grief system to enhance your playing experience and keep the majority of the griefers out. Take the time and type /rules on the server for a list of our rules. All we ask is that you respect other players and follow the rules while on our server.


The server has 9 player ranks:
1. SPECTATOR - Can not place or destroy blocks. All other privileges are the same as guest. This rank is usually given to griefers.

2. GUEST - Standard rank, no special abilities.

3. MEMBER - Once registered on opticraft.net, you get promoted to member and can then build in the 'Member' worlds.

4. RECRUIT - This rank is given to players that prove to an Operator in-game that they have moderate building skills. They can then build in the 'Recruit' worlds. They are able to place water and lava.

5. BUILDER - Once a player has built high quality creations they can apply for Builder. If accepted by an Operator they can build in the 'Builder' worlds. They have the ability to teleport to other players and use /destroytower to assist Operators in cleaning up towers in guest, when given permission.

6. CRAFTER - Crafter is given to players who show extraordinary building talent, and create some of the most impressive creations. They have additional drawing commands to assist in their building, and /kick to assist Operators against spammers/rule breakers when all operators are busy/offline.

7. OPERATOR - Look after the server and its players. They undo grief and make sure all of our players are following the rules. They have moderation commands.

8. ADMIN - Oversee the entire server to make sure it is running correctly as well as dealing with the community. They are highly involved in executive decisions that involve the server and its players.

9. OWNER - The reason you are all here. He pays for the server along with coding a lot of the plug-ins that make playing on opticraft an enjoyable experience. When things go wrong he takes a look at it.

You will start as a guest by default. In order to move up the ranks, you must have quality building skills as well as contribute positively to the server. This means following the rules, showing maturity and helping out.


The following ranks require an application: Builder, Crafter, Operator.

Builder: In order to apply for Builder you must already have achieved the Recruit rank. Next you must have built a number of high quality and detailed creations to submit in your Builder application. You must take screenshots of your creations and upload them to a photo hosting site for your application. All info including the Builder template can be found here.

Crafter: In order to apply for Crafter you must already have achieved the Builder rank. If at any time you feel confident enough to become a crafter, PM an Admin for permission to make your application. At this point they will either tell you to apply in the applications section for crafter, or to keep building. Keep in mind your creations must have extreme amounts of quality and detail. All info including the Crafter template can be found here.

Operator: In order to apply for Operator you must already have achieved the Builder rank, unless given special permission from an Admin. You must show a high level of maturity and commitment and be ready to help. All info including the Operator template can be found here.

Application Rules:
- Do NOT post another topic in the applications forum if you have already one running.
- Do NOT ask ingame for promotions, the forums is the only place, (except for recruit requests)
- Read the application example in the applications forum to see how it has to look like.
- Do not ask for Operator or Admin rights/rank ingame, you can apply here when you meet the requirements.
- It takes +-3 days before you can apply for builder once you got promoted to Recruit!

Take note:
No application is needed for Recruit. Just impress an Operator in-game with your builds.


Special characters:
@ - Sends a private message to a player. Usage: @<username> <text>
< - Extends your message with a new line.
% - Adds colour to your text. Only usable by operators+ and in titles once you donated for the colouraddition. A picture with all the available colours can be found here.

Commands everyone can use:
/about - Displays history of a block when you destroy/create one.
/cmdlist - Lists all commands available to you.
/deafen - Deafens yourself to other players chat messages.
/fly - Enables flying mode. To turn off, type /fly again.
/gps - Returns your current position.
/grass - Allows you to place grass. To turn off, type /grass again.
/help <cmd> - Gives help on a specific command.
/j <world> - Changes the world you are in.
/join <world> - Changes the world you are in.
/me <text> - Emotes an action.
/measure - Measures the distance between two points.
/paint - When you destroy a block it will be replaced by what you are currently holding. To turn off, type /paint again.
/players - Lists all online players.
/r <text> - Replies to the last person who sent you a PM.
/ranks - Displays information on all the ranks.
/rules - Displays a list of rules for this server.
/sinfo - Displays information about the server.
/stats <username> - Displays a player's statistics.
/time - Returns current server time.
/togglenotifications - Turns join/leave messages on or off.
/whois <username> - Returns information on a player.
/winfo - Displays information about the world you are currently in.
/worlds - Lists the most recent worlds.
/worlds all - Lists all the words.
/zaddbuilder <zone> <username> - Adds a builder to a zone.
/zdelbuilder <zone> <username> - Deletes a builder from a zone.
/zinfo <zone> - Returns information on a zone.
/zlist - Lists all zones on the map.
/zsetowner <zone> <username> - Changes the owner of a zone.
/zsetrank <zone> <rank> - Changes the minimum non zone-builder rank required to build on this zone.
/ztest - Checks to see if you are in a zone.

/lava - Allows you to place lava. To turn off, type /lava again.
/water - Allows you to place water. To turn off, type /water again.

/destroytower - Destroys tower of the same block. Useful for cleaning. To turn off, type /destroytower again.
/tp <username> - Teleports you to a player's location.

/cancel - Cancels your current draw command.
/copy - Used to copy and then paste an area of blocks.
/cuboid <material> - Used to create large cuboids of blocks.
/cuboidh <material> - Used to create large hollow cuboids of blocks.
/cuboidr <material1> <material2> - Replaces all the "material1" with "material2" in a given cuboid.
/cuboidw <material> - Used to create wireframe cuboids.
/kick <username> <reason> - Kicks a player from the server.
/paste - Used to paste blocks after you have copied them with /copy.
/redo - Undoes /undo.
/rotate <axis> - Used to rotate copy data 90 degrees on a specified axis.
/solid - Allows you to place adminium/bedrock. To turn off, type /solid again.
/sphere <material> <diameter> - Used to create a sphere of blocks.
/summon <username> - Teleports a player to your location.
/undo - Undoes your last draw or redo command.

/ban <username> <duration> - Bans a player from the server.
/delipban <ip/username> - Removes an IP ban.
/freeze - Freezes and unfreezes a player in place, preventing movement.
/invisible - Makes you invisible to other players. To turn off, type /invisible again.
/ipban <ip/username> - IP bans a player from the server.
/modifyrank <username> <rank> - Modifies a player's rank.
/mute <username> - Mutes and unmutes a player, temporarily preventing them from talking.
/unban <username> - Unbans a player from the server.
/undoactions <username> <duration> - Undoes all of a player's actions in the last X seconds.

/changetitle <title> - Changes the title you donated for. No arguments passed in will remove your title.
/movespawn - Changes the spawn for the world you are on, if you own it.

Server Rules

When playing on the Opticraft Classic server you are obliged to follow a set of rules to ensure everyone is treated fairly.

- No griefing (Destroying or modifying other players' work)
- No vulgar drawings
- No excessive swearing or abuse. (Swearing is ok)
- Absolutely no harassing or abusive behaviour to other users
- Hacks are ALLOWED
- Be courteous, ask if you can help someone before working on someone else's creation
- No towering or creating ugly structures
- No bots whatsoever
- No advertising other servers
- English only in public chat
- No reserving of space


Donations help the server remain running and show us your appreciation for the service we are providing.
When you donate, you can choose from a number of rewards such as personal worlds, titles, and title add-ons!
All rewards are given to you the instant the payment is made - no waiting for manual processing!
You can donate to us at www.opticraft.net/donate/classic

WoM Client

WoM Client stands for World of Minecraft Game Client and is a client that allows you to fly, speed fly, and no-clip around the worlds. If you find yourself pillaring to mass heights and constantly falling, then the WoM client is a great feature as it allows for easy and efficient building. The client also allows you to take direct screenshots without the constant use of PrtSc. To download the WoM client click here.


The server's in-game chat is linked to IRC. This allows you to chat with other players in-game while not actually having the game open. A popular site for connecting to an IRC chat is called Rizon, which can be found here. Just use the info below to connect:

Server: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #opticraft

If you need any more help, feel free to ask a staff member in-game, or you can make a topic on our forum.

We hope you enjoy your stay on Opticraft!