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Author Topic: Mopar23  (Read 3441 times)

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« on: September 26, 2012, 07:38:41 am »
Since I am perma banned, I would like to give all my things to mopar23 (Things like houses, money and things in the chests).All of my things are to go to mopar23 and him ONLY.


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 09:06:33 am »
You've been banned by awesomealicia for x-raying, the evidence was clearly shown by you. (The Staff was in the same channel when you showed us).
Your items will remain where they are, they will not be given out to other players as most of them were obtained illegitimately and the rest are just essential materials that are easy to get.

Here is what I found whilst I was rummaging through your chests.

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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 09:39:22 pm »
GAH i missed this >.< Thank you Bright_Flight!!!!  I know my msg might have sounded a little selfish, but THANK YOU. So, Henz, ( ithink this was you) why did you tell me to tell him to make a message to BrightFLight asking of i could have his stuff, and if so, ask him to put a topic up about it?

Btw Bright_Flight, like i said in the PM, i want to keep your house as a memorial to you, you were a great friend. And the money, i dont think thats possible to do, unless admins get involved, wich i HIGHLY doubt they will.

Thank you,


I honeslty dont care if i dont get the materials. Ok i do care, but thats not the point. i take in everything i can. If someone is willing to donate me an arrow, and im there and ready, ill wil take it. Thats one of the reasons i have so much junk. Here is what i think i should get, things WERNT obtained by xray (i hope :P) IF, Henz, you still think that i should not get these items for whatever silly reason you brew up in your head, i get it, but i will still be mad >.<

 Chest one:
All of row one, unless that white one is iron (i dont have that tp, i use the reg one)
All of row two (not sure what that thing is in the middle, with 27.)
All of row three exept the iron and the diamonds (again, not sure what the 6th one is)
All of row 4 (unless you dont want to give me the obsidian, if thats what it is)
Row 6: the fences, sticks, and stone bricks and slabs.
row 7: the, uh, clay? #2 stack and the melons and dirt.

Chest 2:
(I almost screamed "YES" when i sawl this, becuase i need stone bricks for the castle just to the left of BF's house)
Everything except the 2 stacks of redstone, iron ore, and the lapis lazuli.

the rest are just essential materials that are easy to get.

The 21 stacks of stone brick are not easy to get >.< Please henzy! i want that stuff!


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« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 10:46:30 pm by Mr_Mr_Mr »


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 10:45:06 pm »
Chest 2:
(I almost screamed "YES" when i sawl this, becuase i need stone bricks for the castle just to the left of BF's house)
Everything except the 2 stacks of redstone, iron ore, and the lapis lazuli.

the rest are just essential materials that are easy to get.

The 21 stacks of stone brick are not easy to get >.< Please henzy! i want that stuff!

I think it's cobblestone, not stone bricks. Look at the wall, those look like stone bricks but the blocks in the chests don't look the same to the ones in the wall.

I found the chest, and it is cobble, not stone bricks. Here is the image with the default texture pack.
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« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 09:19:01 pm by Mr_Mr_Mr »

---><--- Click the monkey


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2012, 10:15:30 am »
So, Henz, ( ithink this was you) why did you tell me to tell him to make a message to BrightFLight asking of i could have his stuff, and if so, ask him to put a topic up about it?

Sorry, I don't remember saying this

IF, Henz, you still think that i should not get these items for whatever silly reason you brew up in your head, i get it, but i will still be mad >.<

The items will remain where they are, they will not be given out to other players as most of them were obtained illegitimately and the rest are just essential materials that are easy to get.

These reasons aren't silly, they're fair and considerate.
As Mr_Mr_Mr stated, they seem just like cobblestone that aren't all that hard to get - tip, there are a lot beneath you.
Please don't make this such a hassle.


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2012, 10:24:29 pm »
Illegitimately claimed items will NOT be passed on to other players. They will either be put under the supervision of the staff or be subject to immediate incineration (the latter to occur most often). There is a reason why we don't like passing on items that weren't claimed/ mined legally.


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2012, 07:17:55 pm »

IF, Henz, you still think that i should not get these items for whatever silly reason you brew up in your head, i get it, but i will still be mad >.<

These reasons aren't silly, they're fair and considerate.
As Mr_Mr_Mr stated, they seem just like cobblestone that aren't all that hard to get - tip, there are a lot beneath you.
Please don't make this such a hassle.

Ok, that, i was mostly kidding about. they are ussually good reasons, and i at least show respect for them, althought i will be making mad faces IRL. :P Sorry for the mix up about the materials, i have no clue what the tp is.

As i said before...

I honeslty dont care if i dont get the materials. Ok i do care, but thats not the point. i take in everything i can. If someone is willing to donate me an arrow, and im there and ready, i will take it. Thats one of the reasons i have so much junk.
Illegitimately claimed items will NOT be passed on to other players. They will either be put under the supervision of the staff or be subject to immediate incineration (the latter to occur most often). There is a reason why we don't like passing on items that weren't claimed/ mined legally.

I would still like the materials that WERNT claimed becuase of xray. Dosnt that seem fair? They were lagitiment marterials, and (upon request of course) the owner allowed me to have them. I Dont care if i get a few stacks of the cobble and some wood stuff or whatever, i would like as much as you would give me.

i wont be on mc for a while becuase, as some of you know, i just moved to Colorado to Florida. We have recently found the house that we want, so we are starting to make the grueling 2 round trips from FL, to CO, back to FL, back AGAIN to CO, and finnally, back to FL, were we will stay. Thats when ill be getting on. I might get a few chances to get on here and there, but since the Internet is cut at my old home in CO, i wont be playing there. I might be able to hop on for an hour or two at the hotel near Dallas, Texas were going to stay at. So, to my friends, ill cya soon!

Now, If, and only IF, someone wants to give me a portion of the materials, and they want to get it ovr with, just make a chest outside of BF's home and allow me to it. I know, im getting ahead of myself, but i want those materials.




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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2012, 06:40:50 pm »
If you're that desperate for some junk, would you like a couple of cobblestones and oak logs which I will gather when you get online?

Also do you want some of my old items that I have previously left at all my old home?


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Re: Mopar23
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2012, 11:28:31 pm »
1. This Wendys' Wi-Fi SUCKS.
If you're that desperate for some junk, would you like a couple of cobblestones and oak logs which I will gather when you get online?

Also do you want some of my old items that I have previously left at all my old home?
2. You make that sound bad. >.<
i wont be on mc for a while becuase, as some of you know, i just moved to Colorado to Florida. We have recently found the house that we want, so we are starting to make the grueling 2 round trips from FL, to CO, back to FL, back AGAIN to CO, and finnally, back to FL, were we will stay. Thats when ill be getting on. I might get a few chances to get on here and there, but since the Internet is cut at my old home in CO, i wont be playing there. I might be able to hop on for an hour or two at the hotel near Dallas, Texas were going to stay at. So, to my friends, ill cya soon!

Now, If, and only IF, someone wants to give me a portion of the materials, and they want to get it ovr with, just make a chest outside of BF's home and allow me to it. I know, im getting ahead of myself, but i want those materials.

3. Like i said, i wont be on for while. If you wanna give me some junk that you have, PLEASE do. Just go to my /home and go to the building made out of smoothstone and iron bars, place a chest in there with the junk, make me allowed to open and break it, and i will pick it up asap. IDK why, but junk is everything to me. I have at least 10 chests, mostly holding junk that ive picked up along the way, and has never been used. I think i even still have one of the wooden tools from when i first spawned... pathetic... But, it helps! 10 chests of junk did not come from walking around aimlessly. It came from donations mostly.
4. Is that a no on all of BF's stuff?
Thanks for the junk offer Henz!
