This topic is just to inform/aware you all about what I have been building. Well as some of you may know, I have been working on a medieval village. Consisting of a couple houses, parts of a castle and a jail. This is located in the member world, near the member spawn, or just my /home . Some of the buildings I and some help from some lovely people have built are:
- A clock tower
- A barn/ my storage facility
- A few houses
- A cave
- A jail (which is inside a mountain)
- A windmil
- Some towers for the castle.
- A town hall
- Market Area
- Timber Mill
- Giant tree
- Mage tower
- The blacksmiths
- The mine
- Finally got my wall design done
- The harbour
- The farm
What I will be building next is:
- The houses on the harbour
- An apothecary
- A large battle ship (That's gonna take a while)
- A couple more large/medium trade boats.
- A large/tall tower on top of a hill, look out tower
- Finish off secret part (last)
- Build some more houses
- Build WAY MORE houses.
I will be building more as time comes along. I would just like to give a large thanks to Johekl for helping me build a few houses, porkchops for giving my the designs to the castle and benjaminc117 for the help and advice!If you would like a house they will cost around 2k-6k. Depending on how large you want the house.(Prices will change).
The plot applications are below, in the spoiler.
In game name (IGN):
Forums name:
Your bans (if none leave blank):
There is also a government here. You have to pay taxes unless you have a job, which in that case you don't have to pay any taxes. If you don't want to have. Job and want to pay taxes, the cost will be $50 per player per week.
You can view the live map link here: current citizens are:
- Hammysandwhich
- Benjaminc117
- zxSM1FFYzx
- FNVcourierjon
Also a big shout out to these people (in no particular order):
• Johekl
• benjaminc117
• crippnfeet
• nick (forgot your numbers, not admin nick too)
• crippnfoot
• zeradeth_
• lil_devil4994
• NlKOLAI (I dunno why, but you keep me company)
• B1uej0ker
• ivy2112
• megamoltar
• square_skull
Please tell me if I missed someone..
Also some places that may be of interest:
/home hammysandwhich - You can view the town hall, clock tower, two houses and the market
/home hammysandwhich harbour - to view my mage tower, wharf/harbour and turn around for the giant tree!
/home hammysandwhich town - where I will be building more of the residents district, what I have so far is a black smiths, a house in construction (supposed to be like that) and a mine, which is still in the process of construction
Progress will resume on the castle,
MUCHlater on.
/home hammysandwhich farm - Well, this is where I am building my farm, which is about 90% finished.
Also, feel free to walk around and adventure my /homes
If you are interested in joining the village, please read everything. I will, be adding some more stuff later on, and updating it as I go along. Thanks for your time to read this, if you have any suggestions or questions. Either post them down below, or pm me over the forums.