Age: 14
Location: Canberra, Australia
Timezone: Australia eastern stranded time (AEST)
Join Date: April 25, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: HammySandwhich, daniblue182, Felix_De_Kat
Why you should become a moderator:
I feel I should become a moderator because I spend quite a lot of time on the server. (Before school and after). Most nights when there are no staff online I try my best to help place water and answer any questions that I can to make everyone happy as can be but there are of course something’s I can’t do like replace grief, place lava and help with arguments. (most of the time)
I feel that I can be a leader when put to a challenge but also take instructions when I have to or am told to. I also have very good social skills so I will be able to handle angry or stressed players. I am also an admin on 1 other server and an OP on another, so I have had experience with other players being rude and angry.
Even though my post count isn't very high but I am always reading the Opticraft forums for any information, suggestions or city protections to have a look at.
After speaking with a few of the moderators this past 3-4 weeks and Skype'ing with some as well I think I can say I have finally made a couple more friends and I have been welcomed into the community. I’m ready to finally give back everything that this server has given me and help around when ever I can.
Thank you for reading my Moderator application. Hope you liked it. ☺
Thank you everyone - Trigger