Age: 17 (26/10/95)
Location: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT+1 (Summer time but usually +0)
Join Date: Opticraft server: August 2012
Forums: August 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Daniblue182, Others please post below!
Why you should become a moderator: I'm not going to bore you with the whole clichè of why I feel I would bring something new to the server, because I'm not good at that kind of thing and frankly, I'm guessing you've had enough of reading these applications by the time you get to mine (even if you do!) Anyhow, I hope to believe that I have the level of maturity to fit in with the rank of moderator whilst keeping my same level of humour present! Being the social hermit I am, I spend plenty of time on the server and feel that I am ready to give others a hand if they need be, sure, I'm not perfect, no-where near meeting the sub-standards of 'perfect' at all, i.e sometimes I forget that not everyone on the server has to agree with what I believe and so on... But I hope that by becoming a moderator I can focus on those 'issues' and resolve them, Opticraft has a brilliant atmosphere to it anyway, everytime I login I feel like I am joining my group of friends at college and just messing around, and I wish by increasing my rank to moderator I can finally feel truly significant and helpful to someone! Anyway soppy stuff over, thanks for reading!
TL:DR Opticraft is the only thing keeping me from insanity, being a mod would be something else for me to contribute to!