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Server Ip: smp.opticraft.netThe top voters for July are listed below. The prizes are $30, $20 and $10 in vote rewards respectively, as well as a Top Voter rank and title in game for the month of August. Please PM me to claim your prize. Since there was a tie for 2nd, there is no third spot this month.Top 3 for June are:1st - gogar722nd - Kascas(tie)2nd - Kevinnova(tie)Thank you to all of them and everyone else who voted for us!
Poor seaweed. He looks so weird toilets in a tree with no car on.
I was wondering, is there a way to track people's vote count. If so you could post the vote count on the top voterposts and also see how many times you have voted so you can see if you have a shot at top voter.
Quote from: CrazyGamer2000 on August 02, 2013, 07:44:04 pmI was wondering, is there a way to track people's vote count. If so you could post the vote count on the top voterposts and also see how many times you have voted so you can see if you have a shot at top voter.there is already such a thing, check out the blue text, while on the voting page , best of luckthx guys, and gratz gogar and kevin