In-game name: dougtato (previously douglas_anthony)
Age: 21
Location: Ohio, United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) but my actual timezone is all day
Join Date: Forever ago (like September last year)
Were you recommended by any staff?: I was recommended by many, both staff and normal players, but I was recommended particularly by Matt and Ashley. They've been pestering me for a while now, but in a good way of course. But seriously, you should have seen how much they kept asking. To be honest, they've been asking me to apply for months. Sorry guys, I just had to say it! But I'm actually applying on my own will. I swear it's not peer pressure. (also recommended by tribalturtle and a1374thspartan)
Why you should become an Operator: When I was active on the server, we can pretty much agree that I spent a lot of time there (pretty much most of my days, given the occasional day in the week where I just can't get on), and when I was there, I would be helpful to players if staff wasn't available. I genuinely enjoy helping people with issues if I can. Also, I'm already a bit familiar with some of the operator privileges and have a basic knowledge of WE, and I can catch onto things pretty quickly, which would help me become a more efficient staff member quickly. I am also in the process of working things out to be able to spend a lot of time ingame again. I will soon be able to devote time to the server at least a few hours each day. I'm already almost always connected to IRC to keep track of the conversations, as well. I believe I can be a friendly and cooperative staff member for Opticraft. Anyway, this is my application. I thought I'd give it a shot, so hopefully I will be seriously considered (: