Hello, the creative server will remain whitelisted and occasionally offline for maintenance purposes. This will not affect any other services.
Update: The maintenance has been complete, and there's a few things to note that might affect you.
Firstly, the issue itself was a type of map corruption within the 'Guest8' world. To rectify the issue, we were required to roll back the affected sections of the map about 2 days ago. Therefor if you visit this world now, you may notice certain sections of the map are either missing, or have been rolled back to a previous state.
If you find yourself in this situation, kindly request an Operator to re-do the area of your missing build. But keep in mind this may or may not always work.
Lastly, we apologise for the downtime any damage this has caused. Rest assured we are doing everything we can to prevent this from happening in the future.