Opticraft Community
Discussion forum => Moderator Applications (CLOSED) => Legacy => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: LordoftheBlock on November 27, 2012, 12:24:37 am
Age: 16
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Timezone: -6
Join date: April 28th, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Xeadin, TheRealFamous, Morrison1996, Wratkie, Winniedoxie, Techdude98, Chipaton, SnapeTheSnipe
Why should you become a Moderator?: I would like to be a Moderator for many reasons:
1. I LOVE to help people. In game, I try to help as many people as I can by placing water, giving some tips and advice, and even stay at spawn helping the new people get started. It pains me to see someone yell grief in chat and I cannot help them.
2. I know I am mature enough for the job, as I have demonstrated on the forums, and in-game.
3. I am a dedicated player. I've been on Opticraft for 7 months, and I sure ain't leaving anytime soon. I love this server, and I wish I could help it more. I know all the rules, and abide by them everyday. I have put my time and money into this server, and it was well spent. I love this server, and want to be apart of it more.
4. I know for a fact I would be good at it. In different situations I have dealt with, including other players, I keep calm. I also refrain from getting angry, rude or mean. I don't just go and blame people, I like to hear both sides if the story, if there is one, and go from there.
5. I've learned from my mistakes. I admit, in my time I have been here, I have made a few mistakes. However, I have learned from them and I have matured. I feel completely ready to take on the position.
6. I realize this would not be an easy job, and I know I would be able to handle it. I know I would be giving up ample building time, and many other things, but I know I would be giving it up for something better.
These are the reasons why I should be a Moderator, thank you for reading this.
I believe you would be a good moderator, if you do get it, I hope you still have time to host events!
You May be competition >.>
But good luck man.
Supported (and recommended)! Lordoftheblock is a very mature, helpful and active member of our community. Good luck L.O.T.B!
You would be great! Mature and helpful! Supported!
I fully support you. I wish you luck in your adventures through minecraftia. :P
Supported, GL lord.
supported good luck
Supported, good luck :)
Not sure if sad about Lord's high chances for mod... Or glad...
Supported anyways.
(P.S. Loved your Haunting of Herobrine event, do more like those ;))
Recommended and supported! good luck RB. :D
canadian !!!! :D you have my support man :)
support 100x
Good luck, Lord! I know you've helped me on more than one occasion, and I think you would make a fantastic mod! I'm rootin' for ya, man. Hope you get it!
*checks unseen topics*
*3 offtopics and this*
supported 1010100X
ps: this is a googleplex times
Supported to the google plex eh?
zwaan supports much
Completely supported. Lord is extremely helpful, kind, and mature. I know he has what it takes to excel at being a mod.
Good luck, man :)
Lord, I honestly think you would have a great advantage if you're a Moderator. You are kind, very helpful, and very mature, and I can't deny that. Supported all the way. ;)
Supported! You would make a great mod.
Supported. Funny, every time I see your name, I think you're a mod already XD
Supported101% you would make an awesome mod!
good luck bro ;)
Unfortunately, rejected.