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Messages - Sinnikin

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Appeals / Re: Creating another ban appeal...
« on: April 02, 2012, 03:28:17 am »
okay, I actually stole it! But please let me let me go back, I spent much time buying protective stones and mining, I swear to you all that I did not steal more, please, if I steal, I banish you forever and I do not speak anymore in this server and make no appeal. Almost all my friends play on that server, and I will not want to leave a great server that distributes free diamonds horrible to play other servers that you can not build your house, without the other and kill you without talking about the lag!
I created another, because no one will read my reply in the another appeal

Please man I will not grief more.


Damage from: March 3rd, and the 21st.

These are logblock reports I found in griefed areas I was repairing. The picture Xeadin refers to here:,7976.0.html
Was damage from March 19th, in which you replied:
I swear to you all that I did not steal more

You are lying again. I have recorded damage from March 21st. Lying will only spiral into the vicious cycle of the previous appeal.

Ban Appeals / Re: Squirrelman3 was wrongly banned
« on: March 30, 2012, 01:14:16 pm »
The 500 blocks of damage was within a 50 block area. If he is indeed your friend, and you just didn't realize he was the one who took the stand, then the blocks in the area are most likely not grief.

I am no longer a moderator, but I will suggest the ban be removed seeing as it is a misunderstanding.

Ban Appeals / Re: Shinymacd's Ban Appeal
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:17:46 pm »

Sorry for the delay, I didn't see this post until today.

The above is the proof found in logblock of the grief in question. There was glass, sand and many things in the area destroyed with your name all over it. I suggest re-reading the rules. Griefing is prohibited. Do not take/break/modify anything that is not yours.

Unless you can convince me otherwise, the ban stays, please be more careful when you return.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal [lordwillis333]
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:09:21 pm »

You stole a bed among other blocks to get into their home and area.

There are signs at the spawn of the server telling you to read the rules and not to grief. There are server adverts almost every 5-15 minutes that remind you to read the /rules. In the real world, breaking into someones house is a crime, why would it not be on this server?

The ban is only three days, so I would like for it to stand. Just because your new does not pardon you of ignorance for not reading.

We wish to see you back, and when you return, I hope you keep in mind what is and isn't allowed.

Ban Appeals / Re: ban hammer has spoken
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:39:29 pm »

The coordinates show the location, and the person you griefed shall remain anonymous. Your ban time should have only been 3 days, so that must have been a typo on my part. I had recently went back through all my ban records to adjust and confirm ban lengths, so it should have been fixed. Either way, your ban stands because the proof is shown above. Logblock does not lie.

The damage you did was on: 03-24 18:43:46 alduin777 destroyed cobblestone (among other blocks in the area). Destroying blocks that do not belong to you or on are not your property is griefing. I suggest you re-read the rules.

We hope to see you when your ban has expired, so please keep in mind what is and isn't allowed from now on.

Edit: I'm a girl, not a guy. :P

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Sinnikin (Please Reject)
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:29:02 pm »
It's sad to see you resign :/
Also Nick, I believe you forgot to change Sinnikin's forum rank.

Yes, and when a moderator+ gets online, please see me ingame. I am stuck in god mode, and I have moderator items that need to be returned (bedrock, water, fire, firecharge).

Thank you,

Edit: I've returned the bedrock, water, fire and firecharge to Logan5353. I just need to have my godmode removed.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Sinnikin (Please Reject)
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:53:52 am »
We honestly don't care if you take time off, we would just prefer it not be on the servers busiest days (The weekends) That is when we need moderators the most.

I am on almost daily from 8am - 5pm EST and am more than willing to put in at the least 2-3 hours a day, if not more. I shouldn't need to reduce my availability unless I get a job.

When I applied, and was accepted, I assumed there was an understanding with the hours I mentioned. I said I was on almost daily (almost being not the weekends, I should have just said Monday through Friday) from 8am to 5pm; meaning I am normally online for 9 hours, between those times. I also stipulated that I was capable of moderating 2-3 of those hours, if not more, without trouble. If I had known that this was not agreed to and was a problem, I would not have applied.

My fiancee works two jobs, 7 days a week. I only get to see him after 6pm every week day (that's if he doesn't work late), and spend quality time together on the weekends. Unfortunately, I can not let myself volunteer time on the weekend. When/if I am online on the weekend, I am spending that time playing/hanging with my Fiancee and working on our big projects. It is not fair to him that I have to constantly go back and forth between help requests on the days that we are capable of spending together. This is the reason I am stepping down. If being a moderator means that I have to give up my gameplay/time with my fiancee on the weekends, then I would rather not be a mod. I'm sorry, but my fiancee comes first.

I appreciate everyone's encouraging words and input, but I have made up my mind. I am sorry to have wasted your time, and I wish you all the best of luck.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Sinnikin (Please Reject)
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:10:08 am »
Wait, youre going to quit because I said that? Already? Its not that bad. You normally get time off when the guests arent on. Its just because of 1.2.4. You dont have to leave, we need you D:

Please, do not take it personally. D: I made the mistake of assuming being a moderator would be similar to the Beekin Program of Furcadia.

We had badges that allowed us to toggle when we were on and off duty. When we wished to help out we merely turned on our badges and fulfilled our duties. We decided how long and when we would help. I love being able to help, but I did not realize that it would not be on my terms. I have a lot of big projects that I want to do, and if I had known that being a moderator meant sacrificing the entirety of my free time, rather than only the time I wished to donate, I would not have wasted your guys' time with this application.

If there were a way to be a part-time moderator, I would be more than willing to do so. My initial plan was to be on duty from 9am-5pm EST Monday through Friday. I wanted to keep the weekends to myself so I could work on my own projects and have a break. But I misjudged that it requires that you help every/any time you log in to the server.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Sinnikin
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:39:02 pm »
Dear Staff,

          This was not an easy decision to make; it is with reluctance that I’m submitting this letter. I am grateful for the time I've had with the moderators, and am happy that I was able to work with you all for the duration I have. Although my time being a moderator has been, on the whole, satisfying and productive, until today I was under the false impression that I would still have time to myself for my personal projects and general game play on the server.

I was informed today that as a moderator, you do not get any breaks or time to yourself to actually play.

When I submitted my application, I was doing so to donate the time I was able to help lift some of the burden off the mods' shoulders, and sincerely assist with helping others. If I had known that it would mean sacrificing the entirety of my time online, I would not have wasted yours and submitted this application.

Therefore, it is with regret that I ask you to accept this as my resignation from the Moderator Trial rank. If I can help to train any replacements or new recruits, please let me know. I am sorry for any trouble this causes, and do not wish any ill will.

I have enjoyed working with you all and appreciate the opportunities I have been given here. I wish the Moderators, operators and admin much success in the future.



Edit: Also, if you need my screenshots for all of my proof for banning records, I am more than willing to send the folder.

Ban Appeals / Re: Un-ban Him!
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:30:13 pm »
I've talked to Vaqnoku on Mumble, who is representing his friend (KirillP).

The situation is the following:

He invited his friend, who is new to minecraft all together, to the server. Upon trying to log in it says he is banned. I checked the ban history and he has no records, so I assume they are using an IP that was blocked during the spam attacks.

So he needs a higher up to fix the situation.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 24, 2012, 04:23:29 pm »
The ban was meant to only be 14 days, so yes, it was a typo on my part.

I ban block damage as the following:

1-20 Blocks: 1 day
20-40 Blocks: 2 days
40-60 Blocks: 3 days
60-80 Blocks: 4 days
80-100 Blocks: 5-7 days depending on severity

So 288 blocks should have been 14 days.

If you are not online to defend yourself, I wait for appeals such as this. Mods do have typos and make mistakes, so thank you for bringing this to my attention and my apologies.

You seem legitimately sincere, so I will lower the ban to 3 days. If you were online at the time I would have made you fix the damage, but it is already repaired. I do not feel it would be fair to let you get off with a slap on the wrist, so I'll reduce the time to three days. When you return tomorrow, please make sure you have re read the rules and don't let something like this happen again.

Ban Appeals / Re: I messed up
« on: March 24, 2012, 04:09:41 pm »
Banned by Awesomealicia  on Mar 20
- Reason: Griefed crisis102
- Length: 7 days
- Expires on: Mar 27 20:42 PM (Central Standard Time)

I suggest waiting for Awesomealicia to see this post and decide to let you fix the damage or serve out the rest of your ban.

Ban Appeals / Re: WHY WAS I BANNED?!?!
« on: March 24, 2012, 04:02:54 pm »
Just because a person isn't present daily does not mean it is abandoned. There are homes on this server that have been untouched because of various in life reasons such as school, work, etc. NEVER assume something is up for grabs, even when a home is unprotected. Mgfrake is on every other day or so, and was on yesterday in the evening. So it's not like his place had been uninhabited for a long while.

Ban Appeals / Re: No this is ridiculous... Unban me now
« on: March 24, 2012, 02:59:11 am »
I think we've gotten as far as we ever will with kicking this dead horse. Stephe1999 clearly can't handle things calmly and politely like an adult, and whatever he has to say further will most likely not be constructive or helpful. I will leave the following judgement up to Nick, but it appears he's clearly earned a permanent ban by this point. I think it's time to lock this sad thread and move on to important matters. :3


Edit: Though the command is available, locking a topic may technically be outside my Jurisdiction, so I will leave the decision up to an Operator. :}

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application: Yomomma750
« on: March 24, 2012, 02:28:46 am »

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