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Messages - Incarlina

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Giving away a house
« on: March 19, 2012, 10:57:37 pm »
Nateneal got to me first. Sorry.

I hope the mods can help if I forgot to /cmodify anything :)

General Discussion / Giving away a house *GONE*
« on: March 19, 2012, 10:35:37 pm »
Hi everybody.

I couldn't find anyone in chat who was interested, so I'm trying here instead.

I'm going to a different server, so I'm giving away my house and my stuff.

The house:
* 13 floors, some unfinished
* Wheat farm
* Melon farm
* Pumpkin farm
* Tree farm
* Sugar cane farm
* Mob room
* Ranch with cows, chicken, pigs, sheep and snowmen
* Door to an abandoned mine that has at least three mob spawners

The belongings:
* Some stacks of wood
* One decently filled chest of food
* Iron, gold, diamonds, coal
* One chest with seeds, saplings and eggs
* Some tools and armour
* 6 protection stones

The area:
* Sand nearby
* Nether portal nearby (don't know who owns it.

It's gonna take a while to cmodify all the chests and doors (I think there are 25 or so chests + doors) but I'll be in game for a while after posting this. First person to contact me gets it.

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