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Messages - ridg10

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:53:16 pm »
I think we should not be able to sell pumpkins and melons in the market,but that does not mean u have to delete them! If you get rid of the signs in the market for buying and selling melons and pumpkins.
by the way if you do delete melons and pumpkins will you delete glistening melons aswell?

ridg10  ;D

Ban Appeals / Re: ive been baned and I didnt mean to GRIEF!
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:16:54 pm »
when i looked inside the house this is what i saw!
1. the walls seemed to made out of mossy cobble
2. I think the house was a 3x3
3. there was glass panes around the wall
4. and a few diamons blocks inside

hope this helps

Ban Appeals / Re: ive been baned and I didnt mean to GRIEF!
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:17:47 pm »
I dont know whos house but It was near the giant smiley face near spawn.

Ban Appeals / Re: ive been baned and I didnt mean to GRIEF!
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:10:21 pm »
oh and it siad i was banned by logan3 i think

Ban Appeals / ive been baned and I didnt mean to GRIEF!
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:02:06 pm »
Hi guys its ridg10

I was out walking when I fell into a hole! When I tried to get out I came to a piece of cobblestone and broke it. when it broke It didnt leve anything and when I looked up I saw a diamond block and realised I was in a house my heart sank and I knew I was going to be banned  :(  I didnt mind having to wait a week but now I cant become trusted  I think I might leave the server because I loved helping people and I wanted to become trusted and someday become a mod.


Support / Re: I caught him!
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:28:46 pm »
just deleted screenshots and Im ready to help the comunity wheter im trusted,a moderator,an operator or not


Support / Re: I caught him!
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:51:39 pm »
I tried taking screenshots but my memory was full >:( otherwise I would have took as much evidence possible by the way at my friends shop you jump of on the right side of shop and take a left and you will see the house that sais private.


Support / I caught him!
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:38:17 pm »
Hi guys its ridg10

A few minutes ago I was on the server at my friends(oli8181) shop when I saw a player called eliasdemetriou look in my friends chest I looked in the chest after him to see if he took anything and the chest was empty. now I dont know if the chest was already empty but then i saw the player go into houses. I was folowing him and he didnt see me. He then looked inside a house and when I went to the door there was a sign saying PRIVATE I then walked up to the player and siad hi he siad hi back. He then siad ''these arent my houses'' so I siad ''Are u griefing '' He siad ''Hell no'' then i siad ''then what are u doing looking in private houses'' he siad he was making his house and was looking at designs. I then siad why didnt u look on youtube. He then warped somwhere and I was very shocked. So one thing I would like to point out is I dont know what he had took but he planned on taking something. S o I coudnt do much more because Im not a moderator but someone might be able to.

P.S I have been trying to become trusted by helping people because I am dedicated to the server And if someone could help me becoum trusted it would be grately apreciated.


Ban Appeals / it wasnt his fault!!!!!
« on: April 24, 2012, 03:18:07 pm »
 hi guys its ridg10

First of all I would like to say that I was not banned. My friend got banned for griefing but I would like to point out 4 things

1. It was not my friend that griefed it was his cousin

2.My friend DID NOT let his cousin play he had to go to the bathroom and his cousin started playing as him

3.My friend does not grief at all  

4.Since my friend cant play anymore its not as fun on the server for me and I did nothing wrong

I dont know if its possible to unban him but if u can PLZ do because he just bought a new laptop and it cost him alot of money.

ridg10  ;D
P.S I forgot to mention his name is Ebiin

Support / Re: greif problems
« on: April 08, 2012, 03:22:57 pm »
Thanks for the help and information  ;D


Support / greif problems
« on: April 08, 2012, 12:41:08 pm »
On the 5th or 6th of april I was greifed by a player called SkatrMonster38 I had to watch him destroy my house as I was shouting at him to go away. I had a protection stone placed in the right place and he was still able to break everything he even tried to kill Rex (my pet wolf). He stole my protection stone he just mined it with a stone pickaxe. I was shouting HELP!!!! but no moderator listened and there was 2 on at the time. I was quite upset and i had nothing left when he moved on. Could someone please help me because when he was doing that I saw the anti greif system baning tons of people and I was shouting for help and nothing happend. Please could someone help me and spread this information.
PS type /home ridg10 to see my house and what happened.


Support / Didnt receive a ps
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:46:59 pm »
After signing up as a member and logging on-there was no ps in my inventory.Any ideas?? :'(

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