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Messages - darkphlegm

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Opticraft First Impression: My Review
« on: April 10, 2012, 09:36:13 am »
Not entirely sure what the point of this post is, but I understand where you're coming from completly.

The main concerns of yours appear to be that there is a lot of damaged terrain. This is our #1 concern right now, and we are working on solving that problem with three solutions, one of which is already deployed.

Firstly, we have an antigrief system which automatically detects griefers by using a honepot system. This catches about 100 players a day, resulting in immediate automatic bans. Unforutnately it was only deployed last week, so all the existing damage remains.

Secondly, we are expanding the current map and retiring all the olde areas. There will be no easy to use warps to get to the crappy nuked area's, and all new users will start in fresh areas. This is nearly done.

Finally, we are adding a member+ world, where serious players will build. Anyone who signs up on the website will gain access to this world. This should weed out the majority of the bad players.

I am also looking at localizing chat and making the /deafen command, as well as other helpful commands more well known and documented on the website.

Thanks for your feedback.

See, this guy can read what I wrote without getting super emotional about it, unlike the rest of you. These are real answers, and not petty bickering - and you know what else? The fact that he has just let me know that your staff is currently almost finished working on the exact problems I am complaining about [and very specifically these as such] totally justifies my original post.

awesomealicia; logic seemingly escapes you. Your attitude only lends to my argument that the staff is stuck in a rut.

You compare me and my complaint to fussy little kids who won't do anything for themselves, this is easy to do only when one ignores the bulk of my original post. My complaint is legitimate on the bases that the grief and general unpleasant experience is caused by other members rather than suffering from my own stupidity or lack of effort. This is why the way you are using the analogy is not sufficient.

"dont call other players "bad" when you dont know them" Yet "We are aware of the large, hideous amounts of grief "  
[I was referring to those very same players whom you acknowledge destroy your server rather than contribute. What are you on about with political correctness? The irony of your rudeness here is needless to point out, especially considering original post was meant as helpful advice to anyone who might consider it, not a personal attack.]

"Its about 5 mods against 200+ people..."
"...but frankly, you need to wait"
"...Give us a break."
"...We get to you when we can.."
" are NOT the center of the game.."
These "rebuttals" of yours perfectly illustrate the backwards attitude the game staff exhibited in the first place that generated my initial complaint / suggestions.

"I'm not sure what makes you think youre so much better"
I explained exactly what makes me better than rampaging idiot 12 year olds, I will reiterate:
- I am experienced and knowledgeable
- I can post on your forum instead of spam your in-game chat about complaints / suggestions
- I have experience as an owner / moderator / player / developer
- I don't grief
- I take time to leave areas better than I found them

Sorry about the double post - it was an accident. Please don't feel so personally offended by my original post, I have been rather cordial, I even voted for your server, remember? You are so angry, I really wonder what the hell is wrong with you. So I decided I may not play on the server, but I saw a lot of good in it right? That's why I bothered to write a long post of advice here, to help the server..

Because you didn't seem able to comprehend the intention of my first post, please let me reiterate the general theme one more time - the reason why gamestaff feels like "its us against 200+ people" is because of a couple easily fixable problems. See, you get all huffed because you're babysitting morons who shred your server all day, then you take it out on a good guy like me who re-plants trees, keeps things tidy, helps other players, and leaves reviews for you to improve your server even if he may not play on it! So for Christ' sake chill out awesomealicia, and Nyssa, you only make yourself look worse posting snide, underhanded remarks during an honest discussion among adults. To Optical, thanks much for your informative and mature reply! I appreciate that you appreciate feedback. You answering those questions for me might be enough of a reason to stay..almost...Cheers  :-X

Support / Opticraft First Impression: My Review, Inquiry, Suggestions
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:47:40 am »
I am a former server owner [host] and administrator. The reason I no longer host a server is because managing a server can be time consuming and irritating, and I really would rather play for fun. Although dealing with a lot of members may get annoying sometimes, I always tried to be fair. Here are my first impressions of your server and some suggestions as to how to possibly improve what you've got going for you. I thought I would write this to do you a favor and give anyone who may be interested a little feedback. I just registered to become a member about an hour ago, and the following are my initial impressions of your server.

Although I understand having a great deal of members is preferable to some hosts for a multitude of reasons, as an average player just looking for a nicely put together server to call home - I was bombarded by my chat window scrolling at one hundred lines per minute when I logged in. Thankfully I had the /deafen command, I think the server might look a lot better if you configured a simple chat-channel plugin. Also, this relieves some of the stress from your seemingly 'overworked' moderators, having a mod  designated for a particular channel rather than a hundred players shouting [and needfully repeating their requests] over one another, and mods trying to reply to who they can.

After registration / reading the rules I went to East Town, where I found a great deal of grief scattered about. I walked outside the town for about five minutes in one direction, but did not reach beyond the area which the terrain was destroyed by grief. I decided East Town was not for me. The same thing happened in West Town, except I tried to go even further beyond the reach of town and still failed to find undamaged terrain.

I now regret voting for your server [on four sites] in advance. It took me ten minutes of privately messaging moderators to get any reply [which was just a hello, then they continued to overlook me.] I only wanted to ask about how leave to main chat, because the text constantly scrolling up my screen at such a fast pace made it unbearable to play the game. Finally, after literally spamming my question dozens of times [this is the only way for anyone to ever get a chance to see it, apparently] someone [a member, not gamestaff] told me to use /deafen. Thanks to this, playing on your server was almost tolerable, although I then am forced to read only irrelevant moderator replies streaming up my chat window, these are of course not filtered out with your current chat system. O.K. I thought, I can just ignore this drawback, if I can just find a nice spot.

I finally got a moderator to reply again, and explained my situation. The moderator told me [very rudely] that she was not a taxi service and that she had other things to do apart from help me. I told her that I understand she had a lot to do [your server is plagued with 12 year old kids, fussing and demanding help on all sorts of things they could figure out themselves.] but that I am a new member, and I thought she was being a bit rude. I asked the mod if she could help me find a remote area to start in away from the regions which have been destroyed. "Just teleport me like 20,000 blocks out." I said. This would have been accomplished by her typing one or two commands. Instead she took the time to explain to me exactly why she didn't have time to do that, and was pretty nasty about it.

I tried contacting other in game staff, but they were all to busy to ever respond. Instead they were all busy replying to mostly bad players, who spam chat and ruin the environment. I am the kind of player who re-plants trees, I fix water with a bucket if I see somebody messed it up, etc. I used to be a host, and so if terrain gets messed up, naturally I fix it. I am an experienced player and could be a very helpful guy to have on your server. Even when I was a busy admin, I could determine whether I was speaking to a legitimately decent player who was asking for a simple request or bit of information, or a fussy little kid who wouldn't do anything for them self. I could tell the difference, because I wanted to have a nice server! So therefor I valued decent players who contributed to a nice atmosphere and kept the place looking good and were helpful!

Anyway, I really doubt I could play on this server, unless maybe some game staff could assist me without being terribly rude, or some of my suggestions would be heard. Setting up a better chat system would, in my opinion, significantly improve your server. More serious players might be inclined to donate or actually play there if it wasn't so obvious that despite having in-game staff there is essentially no order at all. cheers

Suggestions / Opticraft First Impression: My Review
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:35:49 am »
I am a former server owner [host] and administrator. The reason I no longer host a server is because managing a server can be time consuming and irritating, and I really would rather play for fun. Although dealing with a lot of members may get annoying sometimes, I always tried to be fair. Here are my first impressions of your server and some suggestions as to how to possibly improve what you've got going for you. I thought I would write this to do you a favor and give anyone who may be interested a little feedback. I just registered to become a member about an hour ago, and the following are my initial impressions of your server.

Although I understand having a great deal of members is preferable to some hosts for a multitude of reasons, as an average player just looking for a nicely put together server to call home - I was bombarded by my chat window scrolling at one hundred lines per minute when I logged in. Thankfully I had the /deafen command, I think the server might look a lot better if you configured a simple chat-channel plugin. Also, this relieves some of the stress from your seemingly 'overworked' moderators, having a mod  designated for a particular channel rather than a hundred players shouting [and needfully repeating their requests] over one another, and mods trying to reply to who they can.

After registration / reading the rules I went to East Town, where I found a great deal of grief scattered about. I walked outside the town for about five minutes in one direction, but did not reach beyond the area which the terrain was destroyed by grief. I decided East Town was not for me. The same thing happened in West Town, except I tried to go even further beyond the reach of town and still failed to find undamaged terrain.

I now regret voting for your server [on four sites] in advance. It took me ten minutes of privately messaging moderators to get any reply [which was just a hello, then they continued to overlook me.] I only wanted to ask about how leave to main chat, because the text constantly scrolling up my screen at such a fast pace made it unbearable to play the game. Finally, after literally spamming my question dozens of times [this is the only way for anyone to ever get a chance to see it, apparently] someone [a member, not gamestaff] told me to use /deafen. Thanks to this, playing on your server was almost tolerable, although I then am forced to read only irrelevant moderator replies streaming up my chat window, these are of course not filtered out with your current chat system. O.K. I thought, I can just ignore this drawback, if I can just find a nice spot.

I finally got a moderator to reply again, and explained my situation. The moderator told me [very rudely] that she was not a taxi service and that she had other things to do apart from help me. I told her that I understand she had a lot to do [your server is plagued with 12 year old kids, fussing and demanding help on all sorts of things they could figure out themselves.] but that I am a new member, and I thought she was being a bit rude. I asked the mod if she could help me find a remote area to start in away from the regions which have been destroyed. "Just teleport me like 20,000 blocks out." I said. This would have been accomplished by her typing one or two commands. Instead she took the time to explain to me exactly why she didn't have time to do that, and was pretty nasty about it.

I tried contacting other in game staff, but they were all to busy to ever respond. Instead they were all busy replying to mostly bad players, who spam chat and ruin the environment. I am the kind of player who re-plants trees, I fix water with a bucket if I see somebody messed it up, etc. I used to be a host, and so if terrain gets messed up, naturally I fix it. I am an experienced player and could be a very helpful guy to have on your server. Even when I was a busy admin, I could determine whether I was speaking to a legitimately decent player who was asking for a simple request or bit of information, or a fussy little kid who wouldn't do anything for them self. I could tell the difference, because I wanted to have a nice server! So therefor I valued decent players who contributed to a nice atmosphere and kept the place looking good and were helpful!

Anyway, I really doubt I could play on this server, unless maybe some game staff could assist me without being terribly rude, or some of my suggestions would be heard. Setting up a better chat system would, in my opinion, significantly improve your server. More serious players might be inclined to donate or actually play there if it wasn't so obvious that despite having in-game staff there is essentially no order at all. cheers


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