« on: June 19, 2012, 10:56:25 pm »
I go by facts if it comes across as being bad mannered or rude its not meant to be. Im upset at the fact that you would ban someone for being associated with ben and using the blocks without knowing how they were actually procured. How is my argument not valid? its not a matter of me "owe you the right to play on our server," its a matter that i was banned for no reason. If and or how they were procured was not my problem if anything my other friend ApertureSubject should be banned as well as she said since we are associated with ben and are his friends. My question is before you did anything did you ask Optical? And if your looking for the pstones that i took and put back im sure when you go through all my stuff you will find them. Nothing i had gotten on my own was done with any hacks, all of it was hard work and time consuming.
Just something to contemplate while your thinking about appealing my ban.