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Messages - elding

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [CONSOLE] I waz banned
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:39:32 pm »
I got banned for setting off 1 of the automatic grief traps but honestly it looked like nobody cared about it! no houses within sight nothing around it... I dnt think I should be banned! those diamonds are SOOOO tempting maybe you should make it more rare like sticky pistons. GAAAHHHH I'll never grief in that game again!!! :-[ iz kinda cunfuzing wen u c those  ??? grrr
anyway thx for the appeal...

P.S. I came up with an idea for the opticraft server it evolves the olympics or something like it. I'll try starting to build it with the trust of a few ops when I'm unbanned.

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