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Messages - lorenzthekiwi

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: lorenzthekiwi 4th and Hopefully last ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:06:02 am »
Thanks Bantam :)  So do you want me to rebuild yomo's house?

Ban Appeals / Re: lorenzthekiwi 4th and Hopefully last ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:49:52 am »
I'm very sorry about all of this honestly though.  I didnt mean to greif it with the same reason griefers grief things.  Honestly when I destroyed a block from yomo's house I was like "Wow, I thought yomo woulda had this protected."  I also needed building materials for a house.  But I'm all past that.  But you know that I barely cause problems in the server.  I get no complaints from other players and I always participate in events locally.  Yes I troll other players from time to time but thats just cause I get bored.  But I troll them nicely :)  So, if you can, please reconsider.

Ban Appeals / Re: lorenzthekiwi 4th and Hopefully last ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:42:32 am »
If you let me get on and fix your house, will you shorten the ban?  I'll even put diamond blocks inside it.  To see the true LUST in the GRIEFERS eyes.  Deal?

Ban Appeals / Re: lorenzthekiwi 4th and Hopefully last ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:22:43 am »
First of all, yomo didnt tell us to not grief his home when he left.  We werent even talking to him when he left.  He banned us, pms'd me on facebook and skype, then he abandoned the server.  I understand that your trying to rid of griefers in the server but I'm no griefer.  I can rebuild what I destroyed.  I just want to clear things up.  I just made another topic for this because the older topic was something different. 

Ban Appeals / lorenzthekiwi 4th and Hopefully last ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:16:11 am »
I can see the expiration date of my ban.  But Yomo said I could take some blocks and I didnt mean no harm.  If you want I can rebuild his whole house.  And plus he abandoned the server and he's offline for a long time, but I know bantam has the rights to his house.  Xeadin unbanned me with the reason saying "Yomomma750 has been offline for a long time and he did the ban without a reason so your ban will be lifted.  Dominic, get on skype, we need to talk.

Thank you bantam.  Hopefully you realized that I didnt mean you, the server, and yomo no harm.  :)

Okay this is very untrue.  Yomo is a friend of mines and he gave up on this server.  He is an inactive player on the server so this is not griefing.  Yomo said I could take some blocks.  So this ban is very unreasonable.  Plus many other people griefed this house.  Plus, I griefed this like 3 weeks ago.  Please reconsider unbanning me because this wasnt a grief on purpose.

Hello, I was wondering why I got banned again.  I didnt do anything wrong.  If a mod or an admin can reply ASAP to tell me what I did that was ban worthy, please do.  

yomomma750 banned me about 3 months ago for reasons committed by xxfestaxfiestaxx a friend of mines that wanted to grief and I was there to watch.  I was accused of griefing and I didnt really get a word out of it.  I was hoping I could get unbanned.  Yomomma750 destroyed my house and all my stuff, but I'll be glad to start all over again.  I dont mind.  Please reconsider. 

-lorenzthekiwi (The best builder on the west coast)

P.S. Melissa Ozturk and Jeremy Morea 4-ever

 :) ;) :D ;D :( >:( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(

Pages: [1]