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Messages - hipeople482

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: November 05, 2012, 10:24:18 pm »
lolz ok i had to try  :P

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:39:56 pm »

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:21:37 pm »
I am not guilty but after as many bans as i have gotten, I am not going to argue out of respect for you. I am very sorry and would love to play again or just be on long enough to say goodbye to everyone. whichever suites you best.

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:31:35 am »
ok whatever but i according to that date it happend a long time ago. I dont know how you "saw" me do this. But i am not going to argue with logblock. is there anyway you could take all of the protection off of my stuff and give it to Creeperazzz? if not its all right but i hate it when banned players's buildings are taking up all that space. sorry for what I didn't do.

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:19:07 am »
Holy S**t! if i had that many ps i would have sold them! I dont know what all that is about! That has to be a mistake. and no offence but why were u just wondering around my shop clicking on stuff?

Ban Appeals / Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:09:22 am »
 Where was I duping stones? I was just wondering what i did wrong.

Ban Appeals / hipeople482 Ban appeal
« on: August 11, 2012, 12:52:54 pm »
Hi guys I am posting this just to clarify why i was banned because I didnt know that my protection stones harmed anyone. I placed them all on un tampered ground with the hopes of building a new place for a bunch of community shops. I don't plan on getting un banned but why does it matter if i had many previous bans? I didnt know that because i had other bans TheFulcan would ban me for placing like 4 p stones down. I am sorry and I would just like to get some clarification. And just a side note here could you rename my ps in my tower at my "/home hipeople" to have the owner changed to "alieninvder" he is a good friend and I know he will use it well. Thanks all the mods and operators that helped me with that project. I am sorry I "griefed" anyone. If i was told they were too close to someone i could have moved them.

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Ban Appeals / Re: [MikeWeirauch] Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:22:56 pm »
Weirauch I cannot thank you enough because I know that I didn't deserve this. I appreciate this so much I will always ask the owner or a mod from now on when i do something that could possibly be wrong. I will be back in two weeks and plan to be a model Opticraftian. Thanks again,     -Hipeople482

Ban Appeals / Re: [MikeWeirauch] Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:56:37 am »
Thanks you very much for all of the cooperation I am very sorry and don't expect you to unban me. I am sorry and if you could please do me and my friend a favor. at "/home hipeople482" and at "/home hipeople482 chests" can you please change the owner of all those chests to "alieninvder" ? I know he would appreciate this because he helped me build everything. Like I said before though I am deeply sorry to everyone I caused a problem to. Thanks  :'(

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:27:56 pm »
I would like you to ask alieninvder about what happened because i was building my shop and setting it up. Also i had just made friends with thecowsaysbark22. i was was too busy to go out and attempt to grief someone and dont care to take the time to do so. i am sorry for my other bans and i would appreciated, if you could, to put up a screenshot so i could see them. I am sorry i acted like an idiot on that guys farm. i just thought it was abandend. if he wants i will build him a bigger farm and he can have my whole /bal. :'( :'(

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:22:13 pm »
I deeply want to see these pictures and i want to know what time it happened please. I don't ever believe i broke anyone's enchant table and told you i put cobble in place of one as a joke. I am sorry for the farm thing i didn't know it was someones i just stumbled upon it and waited 5 days and no one ever did anything with it, so i thought it wasn't being used or the owner had left it. i am terribly sorry to him, whoever he is.

Ban Appeals / Re: Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:07:10 pm »
OK well i didn't grief his enchant room i was wondering around and saw that his enchant table was gone so i put 1 piece of cobblestone there instead as a joke! i even put signs up explaining it! I did not break anyone's enchantment table or grief any enchant room. Why were my signs not seen? ???  :'(

Ban Appeals / [MikeWeirauch] Hipeople482 Ban Appeal
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:56:46 pm »
Hello all.

I dont know where to ask this but why did i actually get banned? I dont believe running a shop or building a warehouse in "hell" is ban-able. If i could just get this cleared up it would be nice.

Thanks Opticraft

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