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Messages - GodlyDan

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« on: May 21, 2012, 08:08:19 am »
To Viper,

Thank you for showing your result for my ban, the reason for my unusual technique of farming is because my friend taught me to always dig under lava because gold and iron and diamonds are always hidden under lava. So every time I see lava I always try to fill it up with blocks and dig afterward.

Also regarding the other account GodlyShop, I bought that for my brother to play with me. We are in the same house hold using the same router. That will explain the same IP result.

In conclusion I still don't find enough mature evidence for my ban.
It will be a big disappointment for all my friends I introduce to this server to have to leave with me and some are even players who donates to this server. Even worst if the public knows about this incident, it may convince them not to give this server a chance and will result in less donations. Please lift the ban as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking your time handling this case.

Best regards,

Ban Appeals / Ban appeal
« on: May 21, 2012, 07:04:58 am »
To Viper,

      I think there is a misunderstanding for my account getting banned. I did not use any "X-Ray" to cheat in this server.
Please provide me evidence of my actions that may of caused the ban result.

Thank you for your kind attention,
Danny (User: GodlyDan)

Ban Appeals / Ban appeal
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:04:03 am »
To who it may concern,

        On May 15th 2012 10:58 PM my account has been banned for "grieving zen00's house". I find that is unreasonable, yes I did went to his house to look for slime since I found his post on forum. Than I realized the slime project has stopped functioning. So I went off farming more blocks to sell to market. I may of accidentally broke a block or 2 without knowing it was part of zen00's property. I would expect a famous player like zen00 would have protected stone in his property at all time. I want to apologize for the inconvience I may of caused and willing to pay full damage done to his property.
Thank you for your kind attention.


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