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Messages - allenisafool

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal for Highminer48
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:10:31 pm »
I wish I could play sooner but I will accept my fate. I don't know... are grief traps random blocks around the spawn?
Also question: If I continue to vote will I get all the diamonds I deserve? Also I want to donate to this server. Will my rewards be lost if I am banned?

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal for Highminer48
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:49:36 pm »
I swear I only broke one block! I am really sorry! I will stay away from other structures but I swear this is not a lie!
Please remove my ban. I am NOT a griefer! Plus I was three blocks away from the structure that I KNEW was a GriefTrap.
Is it possible the trap malfunctioned?
I am really sorry! Can I have one more chance?

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal for Highminer48
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:51:56 pm »
Highminer here... I was banned today June 3rd for griefing. I did destroy a glass pane but it was an accident!
I had just left the spawn area and i was mining some dirt to sell. as I looked up the server lagged and I continued smashing things and I could not stop. I blame the poor quality mouse I have for this error and I promise to be more careful. Please Allow me back on your server. I love it and I vote everyday. I will continue to vote despite my ban to show good will. I would be forever grateful for a second chance.
                 Best wishes,

Pages: [1]