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Messages - konono123

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [awesomealicia] ban appeal
« on: June 09, 2013, 07:46:10 am »
Okay, I'm 100% sure. Especially since you pretty much just admitted that it was you who did it.
When did i that???
Oh nevermind, I read that wrong. I'll unban you, but do NOT let this happen again.
Thank you. im gonna never let this happen again

Ban Appeals / Re: [awesomealicia] ban appeal
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:32:27 pm »
Okay, I'm 100% sure. Especially since you pretty much just admitted that it was you who did it.
When did i that???

Ban Appeals / Re: [awesomealicia] ban appeal
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:25:40 pm »
Pretty sure you xrayed. You dug tunnels in random directions and went straight for ores.

And even if more people have this account, we ban the account, not necessarily the player.
pretty sure? you have to be 100% sure but i have chaned the pass so can you please unbann me need it to be happy. JOHANWALDEMAR

Ban Appeals / [awesomealicia] ban appeal
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:04:52 pm »
remember me JOHANWALDEMAR??  i got banned for x-ray in 2012 yeah i have been sad form that day. Opticraft was the best server ever please understand that i love this server and i got some friends there. please be nice and unbann me.
I would never do something like x-ray. i never forgot this awsome server. really im not the only one that have access to this account got a friend that have acces and i have got hacked sometimes i have changed pass now. please unbann me or  if you dont belive me give me 1 more chance. thanks for reading. JOHANWALDEMAR

Ban Appeals / [awesomealicia] ban appeal!!!
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:17:42 pm »
johanwaldemar here
i have been banned by xray i dont use xray im just have some stack whit diamonds some i have buyed! i have donated!!! and im not stupid donate and so i get me banned? no!

Pages: [1]