Ban Appeals / [Zen00] UNSTOPPABLE_KN Appeal
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:46:56 pm »
hello guys a few minutes ago zenn00 banned ne from opticraft because ý have griefed from sumnoob but ý didnt wanted to harm any body ý just teleported to my friends home and someone griefed rom his house and ý died when ý teleported. ýmanaged to survive the second time and ý was starving. i only had a diamond so ý searched for food ý found melons and grabbed them to stay alive. then itried to enter house hoping to find someone that could help me. door was locked so ý dig into ho use there wasn't anybody so i got out drom the wall i didn't think that i was griefing. then i got banned . if you could just give me a second chance ý would be grateful to you all.