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Messages - Jewel724

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [CONSOLE] Jewel724 Appeal
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:53:35 am »
Sure thing, Viper. Will do.

Ban Appeals / [CONSOLE] Jewel724 Appeal
« on: July 15, 2012, 12:07:53 am »
-Did you break any of the rules? (Yes-Griefed unintentionally)
- Did you grief another players work? (I looked aorund the house, I had no idea whose it was.. I saw some trees and needed some wood. No idea that it was planted there by someone.)
- Did you swear excessively? (No, I monitor my language.)
- Did you upset an operator/ moderator or cause general disrespect to other members/ players on the server? (Not intentionally. If my griefing without knowing that the items were owned made anyone upset, then I apologize.)
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks? (No. I don't do things like that online or in Minecraft. It's not right.)
(My ban history page:,BanLookup.html?username=jewel724 )
Oh, and it's an auto grief detection ban. I had no idea that the wood I was chopping was owned.

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