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Messages - cbran0513

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [techdude98] cbran0513's ban appeal
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:46:45 pm »
Thanks alicia. Btw i think that I remember you. Before u were in any authority we hung out in ur colorfull house. Thanks.

Ban Appeals / Re: [techdude98] cbran0513's ban appeal
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:42:25 pm »
thank you pew that really helps me out :)

Ban Appeals / [techdude98] cbran0513's ban appeal
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:31:36 pm »
Hello everybody,
My name is cbran0513. I was banned a long time ago and am hoping for a bit of redemption. I haven't played minecraft in over six months and I have been banned from this server for well over a year. My friends just decided to pick the game back up and head back to the good "Ol' Faithful" server: Opticraft. Though the majority of my bans have been from moderators thinking that I was hacking, which I am not able to do (Mainly because I suck at computers) And grief. I really would like to get back on the server to hang out with my friends and see how things developed without me being there. Note that I won't even be on long enough to grief one bit. My BAN HISTORY is right here:,BanLookup.html?username=cbran0513
and i hope that I will see you all soon

In game name: cbran0513
Have you ever been banned?: yes
If you answered yes to above question, why?: My first day on server mistakes, Errors in system and op beleiving i used hack (when i didnt)
On a scale from 1-10 how good of a builder are you?: 8/10
Are you trusted?: No
Do you agree to the rules of the city?: Yes, i do.

Plz accept me. I saw the city from the map and it looks amazing.

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] cbran0513's appeal
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:26:57 am »
THANK YOU so much i really do love opticraft. Also when will the server be back up?

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] cbran0513's appeal
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:53:47 am »
Someone else had thought i was a mod so i replied sarcasticly. and the reason i jumped was because i was following jason around and i fell of the edge. I swear to god that i didnt use a hack or try to impersonate a mod. I am sencerly sorry and i love opticraft. Please unban me.  :(

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] cbran0513's appeal
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:33:33 am »
Hello people,
My SMP name is cbran0513 and i would like to make a ban appeal for what i believe have been an error. I had jumped of of a building of jason1q and I was banned for alledgedly using the fly mod. First off, im very bad with computers so i do not know how to install mods or hacks. Second, I love Opticraft. It is a great server and im very sad to have been banned. The moderator: 2crzy4uall banned me and i hav personally contacted him and asked about my ban. He's told me to make this ban appeal and hope for the best. This is the link to my ban page:,BanLookup.html?username=cbran0513

Pages: [1]