September 21, 2024, 10:49:11 pm

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Messages - Pengoo

Pages: [1]
In-game Name: 340Salem
Have you ever been banned?: No.
If you answered yes to above question, why?:
Will you make your house as soon as possible?: Yes, I will.
On a scale from 1-10 how good of a builder are you?: Probably around 8/9
Are you trusted?: No.
If you answered yes to above question, are you an even higher rank?:
Do you agree to all rules of the city?: Yes, i do

Support / Re: problem with voting
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:49:40 pm »
By the way, as i just figgered out, make sure to use you MINECRAFT user name, NOT your opticraft username.

Support / Re: problem with voting
« on: August 04, 2012, 05:32:04 pm »
When I play on the server and try to go to my other home, it says In order to use you extra home(s), you need to vote. So i go and vote all 3 times, exit the server, log out, come back and it says the same exact thing. What should I do?

Pages: [1]