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Messages - xxMTNDewMe69xx

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [joshskiizz] xxMTNDewMe69xx Ban Appeal
« on: September 09, 2012, 02:32:26 pm »
I'm very sorry about what happened, but I myself didn't do it. There is something i did realize tho, my brother likes to grief others, and has access to my account, I'm saying it could be possible that he did this just to get me banned. I have already changed my password and taken it off remember me. if I could please know the length of ban, i would be satisfied enough to wait. sorry for the lack of response

Ban Appeals / [joshskiizz] xxMTNDewMe69xx Ban Appeal
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:52:07 pm »
Hi, I was recently banned on this server by joshskiizz and I just wanted an explanation to why I was banned, if you have a video of what I did please post link, also could I be told length of ban, and possibly someone who can help sort this out. Sorry for the inconvenience to those at Opticraft.

Pages: [1]