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Messages - britters273

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal
« on: November 28, 2012, 01:08:58 am »
Thank you for understanding.  We'll definitely be more careful and pay closer attention from now on. :)

Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:21:31 pm »
Hi, I banned you for griefing my mushroom island, you took down some of my lighted mushrooms around my giant Mooshroom. You decided to cover up my wifes mine with cobble and use the land.

Okay, I apologize.  I know what island you're talking about.  My husband and I were looking for mooshrooms, and found that island.  I don't remember any lighted mushrooms, but I know I was trying to get some mushrooms so I mined some.  I didn't realize they were lit.  We're there torches inside?  I'm really sorry about that.

As for the mine, that was a complete accident.  My husband and I found a mooshroom wandering deep underground and we led him out of the mine because going straight up would have led to the ocean.  We placed cobble to try to help him out and keep him from falling down.  We just forgot to clean it up.  Again, very sorry. 

Ban Appeals / ban appeal
« on: November 27, 2012, 03:31:51 am »
Hello, I just tried to log in and realized I was banned.  I looked up the reason for my ban and it said I tried to destroy a mushroom building.  I don't remember anything like this, and I can promise it was never intentional.  I've tried very hard to make friends with people and have gone out of my way to make public chests full of stuff for people to use as they needed.  I sincerely apologize and I will not do anything again.  Please accept my apology and consider reinstating my account.  Thank you.


Support / Re: Do Protection Stones Expire?
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:16:54 pm »
There were glitches with a our plugins a few months ago, causing a TON of Ps to become useless, thats what you found. Now as long as you don't hold the crouch key while placing them its fine.

EDIT: Also, welcome to the forums :D 

Gotcha, I thought I remembered reading something about those glitches.  thanks for the info.

Support / Re: Do Protection Stones Expire?
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:15:53 pm »
There is no expiration on a Protection Stone, an before you think about it, even if it's abandoned, don't even think about griefing that house. If its abandoned, call a moderator over and if it really is abandoned, they will gladly remove it for you.

Yeah I wasn't going to do anything to it.  That's why I was asking about it. :)  Thanks for the advice, calling a mod over sounds like the right thing to do.  thanks!

Support / Do Protection Stones Expire?
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:26:38 am »
I have a new area I've been exploring.  At first it appeared that there were protection stones all over the place, but when I tried to click on them to find out who the area belonged to, nothing came up.  Then I realized that it looked like coal blocks, but to my knowledge you can't use a silk touch weapon to keep a coal block intact.  That led me to believe that maybe protection stones expire after a certain time?  I'm asking because I'm interested in building in the area and was considering putting a protection stone down, but I don't want to mess up anything.  There is never anyone there, but they have a decent area built up--animals, a small house, etc.  There's a lot of chests that are still locked of course, but nothing is protected anymore.  Is there an expiration date on something you've built so if you become inactive it allows someone else to use the land?  And I definitely don't want to put my own protection stone down thinking the land is unclaimed now and keep that person from getting to their own stuff.  Just wondering what the protocol is on something like this.  Thanks for any help you can provide!


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