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Messages - stuffandjunk

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [CONSOLE] stuffandjunk Appeal
« on: September 03, 2012, 07:30:24 am »
Hello, I would just like to start off by complimenting you on this server. It's truly a great server.

Anyways, while playing your server, I stumbled across a house.  I wasn't sure whether or not I was within the spawn boundaries, and decided to quickly break a few blocks to see if I could.  I had the intentions of putting them back, because of the detail the house had, I figured that it had to be someone's hard work.

I would like to inquire for a lifting of my banishment, I truly meant no harm.

Griefing is never acceptable, but I wasn't meaning to grief.  I apologize for any inconveniences that I may have caused the fine staff at

Thank you for reading.

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