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Messages - DigitalSpit

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [Console] DigitalSpit Appeal
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:12:22 am »
This server blows anyway, you can all go to hell >:(

Ban Appeals / Re: [bantam2] I believe this was a missunderstanding
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:53:11 am »
Thanks you so much Tech, it wont happen again

Ban Appeals / Re: [bantam2] I believe this was a missunderstanding
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:39:16 am »
Okay, as for the christmas tree, im very sorry i did that, i will absolutley return everything if needed, Ill be hones, i saw eveyones chests and though... maybe this is a bad idea, but i did it anyway, again im very sorry, i dont know what went through my mind at that point, and im so sorry. really, this server means the world to my friend audrey, i showedd her minecraft and she loves the server, and... i know her in real life, along with frogboy1111, and to be honest, i kinda am in love with her, thats not a reason... not a good one, but it would break her heart to not letme on the server, ill do community service, ill pay a fee, ill do anything. please

And for Moderator tech dude, if your talking about the very large house made of sandstone, i know... i should have greifed your hose, and im sorry, im kinda greedy, and ill give you everything back. I promise, again i will do anything to repay you, this server means everything to the girl I know IRl, and i really like her, i dont know what to say.... I really dont. but, that im sorry... really

Ban Appeals / [bantam2] I believe this was a missunderstanding
« on: November 15, 2012, 12:02:59 am »
Hello, its me digitalspit, I was banned for greifing VoreReznore, and i belive the greifing was of the crops in his house, at this time, VoreReznore let me into his house, and actually let me take some crops, as long as i replanted them, as i did. His land is all protected, so i would have been able to ban, unless he allowed me in, which he did. I fyoud like you could ask him, and we could straighten things out, Thanks!  :)

Pages: [1]