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Messages - Neo_x

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - iGroovy_x
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:20:11 pm »
Supported buddy, i know you will make a great help to Opticraft, Good luck.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal (2crzy)
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:27:12 am »
Yes pal, no problem i just got back from work, so i'm going to sleep now, i'll send you a message with my Skype.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal (2crzy)
« on: November 12, 2012, 09:05:33 pm »
2crzy, i don't think a 19 year old would still be trying to get on if he didn't want to play the server pal, i'm just trying to have some fun in my spare time.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal (2crzy)
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:53:22 pm »
Yes pal that's no problem i have work tonight so i don't know what time i will be awake.

EDIT - Me and Grant don't get on very well, when i'm not at home he is on. As i say i want to play the server, and it looks like it is him that doesn't.

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal (2crzy)
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:04:35 pm »

Earlier on today i joined Opticraft to play with a friend i went to college with, but one of the moderators (i think it was 2crzy) banned me as they thought i was my brother (iGrantyy_x) but i am not, we share a computer and this must have brought some confusion to you. I don't know what Grant did but in 3 words his an idiot. I'm only making this ban appeal to play with a friend. i didn't know what his username was on Minecraft until now but now i do.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.


Pages: [1]