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Messages - smhsmh123123

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] smhsmh123123 ban appeal
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:21:14 am »
 I I thought i told you i went back to the bathroom because i still had business to take care of and my brother went back on my account again. And did i really get banned for "greifeing"? I didn't even do the greifing and the greifing you displayed was me breaking 1 fence then getting my self across a 20 block ditch. Don't even bother if you really want to just keep me banned because of you somewhat harsh and okward opinions then fine because i know i didnt do anything wrong and i know that you banned me for something i didnt do and i still know no matter how this thing ends up i didnt do it so fine keep me banned i don't even care anymore.

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] smhsmh123123 ban appeal
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:24:54 pm »
    For the record that is the truth and if you don't want to believe the truth then have it your way but frankly your username is showing on you. 2"Crazy"4uall You are going crazy in my opinion because you won't believe me when im telling the truth. :o

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] smhsmh123123 ban appeal
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:05:37 am »
This afternoon at around 8:56 P.M. I was banned by 2crzy4uall apparently for cussing and griefing. I am sorry for the inconvience but it was not me who did those things my dumb brother came in my room while i was in the bathroom doing some unspecific buisness, and he did the things i would never even dare to do. When I thought my buisness was done i went back in to my room and was just exploring but the buisness wasnt over so i went back in to the bathroom after telling my brother to get out which he obviously didn't. I'm sorry and i will hopefully be pardoned. I did think 2crzy4uall believed me when i told him it was my brother but i am not sure any more sorry again.
Your Best Friend,
   smhsmh123123    ;)

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