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Messages - CedZor

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [Felix_De_Kat] CedZor Appeal
« on: December 18, 2012, 09:56:58 pm »
To Felix_De_Kat
Hi I realized that you have banned me for griefing jp_zerg's house and station (205 blocks). Me and jp_zerg are friends in real life and I like to joke around with him, and usually pull of something like griefing his house. You might not believe that we are close friends in real life, so just ask him next time he goes on opticraft. I know that it was wrong to greif his house and items, but that's just a sign of our weird friendship. So if you would give me another chance on opticraft or at least reduce the amount of time I'll be banned, that will be awesome.

From CedZor


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