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Messages - Lil_Devil4994

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: City Protection Application: Lil_Devil4994
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:41:07 am »
The underground is still under construction right now. my previous dimensions for it were wrong. it is going to be a 200x200 and then all the way to bed rock with the city suspended in mid air with a lake under neath it. there will be way bigger houses down there and then walk ways leading from each side to other city building like city hall, a shop, and stuff like that.
i am applying right now because we have a few neighbors and i dont want them do make areas that go underneath Zion so that i cant finish this build. if i am granted the protection i promise that you will not be sorry and it will be worth giving me your trust.  :)

Rejected / Re: City Protection Application: Lil_Devil4994
« on: March 04, 2013, 05:22:29 am »

i couldnt figure out how to do the IMG thing so just copy and paste these links and you should be able to see the pics. im sorry that i couldnt figure it out. let me know if it doesnt work :)

Rejected / Re: City Protection Application: Lil_Devil4994
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:44:19 pm »
what is the code and what is the BBC?

Rejected / Re: City Protection Application: Lil_Devil4994
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:53:57 am »
how do you insert screen shots? i have a few good ones. what is on the live map is not accurate. i have added alot more than what it shows

Rejected / City Protection Application: Lil_Devil4994
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:17:13 am »
City name: Zion

City location:
X:-2288 Y:68 Z:3969 F:2

Contributors: Lil_Devil4994, fcurcouch, danightboy, ledendary_hero, johekl

Mayor: Lil_Devil4994

Approximate dimensions: It is about 128 blocks wide and about 250 blocks long

Number of active residents: 4, Lil_Devil4994, danightboy, ledendary_hero, johekl. With more to come!

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: Right now there are there are 12 buildings including houses that are available for purchase, a windmill, a watch tower and my personal home inside of the mountain.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: It is still in development, but very much progress has been made recently. I plan on making the underground city from the movie The Matrix called Zion. This city alone will be a 100x100x70 build underground with the city suspended in mid air. There will be larger houses and many more other builds such as a mess hall, library, black smith and so on.

Why should we grant this city protection?
We feel like this will be a great contribution to the server. I have not seen anything like what i am indenting to build yet on this server. if protection id granted it will ensure that it will be around for all to enjoy for a long time. we offer a very friendly environment so if people are new and really need a place to stay then they can live in the outer village for free until they can pay for it or gather the resources needed for them to be able to make a house of there own.

I know that i am not trusted but i thought that i would put an application in anyways. fcurcouch is trusted and he is a main contributor to this build, johekl as you know is a moderator and he has also helped more than i could say. Thank you so much for the consideration and i look forward to hearing from you no matter what the decision may be.  :)

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