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Messages - Luigi107

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [Italian_Crafter] loldude101010's ban appeal
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:21:40 am »
Thank you, and trust me it won't happen again thanks again Italian_Crafter

Ban Appeals / [Italian_Crafter] loldude101010's ban appeal
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:53:03 pm »
Hello Opticraft, I was banned July 12, 2013 by Italian_Crafter, I Grieved Clickchick5's home and belongings for my amusement and blocks. I would like to apologize to her for the hours and days she spent building those while I tore them away in minutes. I have had months to think of my selfish behavior towards her stuff. I would do anything to repay her for my actions. Saying this I would like to be granted the honor of joining Opticraft again. If you don't accept me because I committed a terrible action or I have enough bans for you to grant me access I completely understand. Thanks for your time,

Luigi107 (loldude101010)

Ban Appeals / [Italian_Crafter] loldude101010's ban appeal
« on: July 11, 2013, 12:30:48 am »
I was Banned May 17, 2013 By Italian_Crafter and I was Banned for Grieving Clickchick5's blocks I recall grieving her escape a water hole thing and I couldn't escape so I destroyed a few blocks to make my get away I apparently forgot to replace the blocks my humblest apologies that is why I think I was banned and I would like to do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get back on the server I would've posted this sooner but I was attending Family Matters I would appreciate it if someone would look this over and give me a response,BanLookup.html?username=loldude101010

Thank You For Your Time,
Luigi107 a.k.a. loldude101010

Edit: Changed title so the staff member who needs to can find this easier and added ban info.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] I was Banned For No Reason
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:08:04 pm »
You Must Misunderstand in that you asked me to stand still I said fine then you said  that's still cheating and I said I don't have it anymore meaning the materials that I mined form Copperwood's "X-ray" use. I have no idea how you would've think that I could uninstall a mod while still in the game I probably sound so shallow and Self-Centered in this reply, but I would like to point out a fact I didn't use X-ray or a Texture Pack to find the blocks. Copperwood could've he won't tell me anything and I'm starting to think standing up for him wasn't the brightest idea I made. I also feel terrible for my little cousin ditto111 who no longer has a friend to play with anymore. I can't find any other server that we can both play on except for this server. I couldn't care less what happens to Copperwood he isn't being Honest with me. I just really wish I could get back with ditto.

Sorry for the Self-Centered me and not caring for anyone else, but Thanks again for your time,
loldude101010 or Luigi107

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] I was Banned For No Reason
« on: May 11, 2013, 01:17:58 am »
Dear GirlLuvzerMac,
                I'm Sorry for acting like an ass, but I am telling the Truth I don't know what X-ray is I am beginning to Comprehend that it a mod or texture pack that allows you to see blocks through stone. Copperwood could've used it, I was Protecting him because he's my cousin and he told me about this cool server and without this server we might not be as close as we are now. Copperwood he will have to send his own Ban Appeal as I know, but I can tell you he probably won't tell you much different then what I just said. I would like to Apologize again for my misbehavior

Thank You for Your Time,
loldude101010 or Luigi107

Ban Appeals / [GirlLuvzerMac] I was Banned For No Reason
« on: May 10, 2013, 01:20:39 am »
GurlzLoverMac Banned me and my friend copperwood on May 9th, 2013 she banned us Due to X-Ray Reasons Why I shouldn't be banned 1. copperwood and I don't know how to install mods and Texture Packs 2. She says "You used it X-ray" Yeah Well Where the Hell is your proof I'm not a little 10 year old brat, but seriously come on that's not right I would Appreciate it if you would reconsider copperwood's ban and me loldude101010's ban


Edit: Adding ban histories

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