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Messages - TheEnderSlay3r

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 02, 2013, 07:41:59 pm »
How would I know that this was not abandoned? It was unprotected and let to absolutely nothing.

There is no reason to ban someone if the broke blocks that was not protected, claimed, or led to anything.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:10:35 am »
Like I said before, I admit that i was there and broke some blocks, but i am 100% sure that it wasn't 227 blocks, it was no more than 15! I'm really sorry to tell you that, and I know log-block doesn't lie, but there must be a mistake or something, because I really did not rip that much out, and all of the block I did take, I put them all back, like a true person would do. I don't know what else to say, but that I really did not do it, i'm sorry.  ???

Ban Appeals / Re: [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 01, 2013, 11:56:12 pm »
I'm sorry to inform you, but i have not been on the server since earlier today, so if new blocks have been moved, then it was definitely not me, you should check the block logbook again if you have one, because it is impossible for someone to grief a second time (which i wouldn't do, even though the first time was an accident), if i haven't been on in the last 2 mins when they called you over. I swear, and I really didn't break even 100 blocks, i broke maybe 15. There has to be another person we don't know that is involved, because i haven't been on lately.

Ban Appeals / [Felix_De_Kat] TheEnderSlay3r Ban-Appeal
« on: May 01, 2013, 11:38:01 pm »
Hello, recently I have been banned for a reason I do know of. When I was in the Nether, i found an unprotected railway that led to nothing, so i (yes, i admit) picked up some of the rails and nether rack, and then i placed them back down. I am very sorry for the inconvinence and I promise that it was just a mistake and I will not do it again.

Edit: inserting Ban Link

Pages: [1]