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Messages - mason76oreo

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / i got banned best server no other server compares
« on: August 18, 2013, 01:45:31 am »
plz plz plz. no servers are as good as this and i was being stupid

Ban Appeals / [Operator] Greifingcan i be unbanned plz
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:29:18 am »
my friend greifed me and outher houses when he was over can i please get unbanned plz :'(

im so sorry. i was on one day and i had to go cut my lawn while my friend was inside and he didnt know he can get me banned. i never knew how to do a an appeal. no other server compares. i looked and lookoed but no server was better than that. i hated my friend. so im asking to plz un-ban me. im sorry

yours truly

Pages: [1]