September 21, 2024, 09:21:23 pm

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Messages - RUDY

Pages: [1]
Well claw, i watch a youtuber called The Syndicate Project, i'm not sure if you heard of him or not. He recently finished a series called Lonely Island Hardcore. In this series, he survives on an island in hardcore mode. For multiple episodes of the series, he goes strip mining in random directions (up, down, diagonal, sideways) and finds diamonds and multiple precious ores. Me being a fan of Syndicate, i thought i would give that method a try, and it worked for me. Now it is coincidental that there were many ores in the directions i mined in, and since there were, i continued with that method. I can see that you have doubts, but i promise you it was all by luck, and that i do not have the x-ray mod, or any mod at all. 

I would like to appeal my ban from otpicraft server because i don't have the x-ray mod. I was banned for something i do not have access to and for something i didn't do. I have never been banned from any server before, and i have been ranked up several ranks. This is the link to the information of my ban:,BanLookup.html?username=idkiller . I know i should be unbanned because there is no proof of me having the x-ray mod for hacking, i have recently been working on improving my shop which is still under construction. My house is on the guest world and my shop is near it. I have never griefed and i have never used mods, mainly because i don't know how to install them. I have looked up you tube videos and searched Google, but the computer technics are too complicated for me. This is why i believe i should be unbanned, because i did nothing wrong, and i abided by the rules of the server and other server players. Thank you.

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