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Messages - twogbsd

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [ViperZeroOne] Banned for Stealing.
« on: July 05, 2013, 03:11:05 am »
Hello, I am twogbsd.,BanLookup.html?username=twogbsd

I was banned for stealing from Callyn1226's horse stable.

I have always been on Raiding and Greifing servers, and broke in out of habit to take a look around.
I had no intention of taking ANY Horses, until I saw the White Horse. I have been fond of White Horses since the snapshots. So I decided to take the white Horse's lead and walked it out. But upon thinking on how I would take it home, I decided it would be to much of a hassle to take it home, so I decided to try and put it back before the server restarted. I was too late to get back to Callyn's stable by time the server restarted. When I reconnected, the horse was gone, so I decided to put the blocks back and go about my business. As I was walking back to Callyn's stable, ViperZeroOne came out of no where (unvanished I guess), standing where I needed to put the blocks. He asked me if I had permission to take the Horses, I replied no and he outright banned me, with out giving me a chance to explain my actions. I would have liked a warning or a temporary ban instead of an outright permanent ban on my first (and only) offence.

I believe the way ViperZeroOne handled may ban was wrong.
I received no warning prior to being banned, nor did I get a chance to put the Horse, two blocks and a unlocked door back.

Thank you for reading this. I will check back on this post sometime tonight. I hope you all have/had a nice Forth of July.

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