September 21, 2024, 02:44:21 pm

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Messages - cr8zymonkey

Pages: [1]
ok first of all u did not give me a warning, second it was their old homes from a year ago they are obviously not gettingback on and i checked and the only one i tried it on it was a old friend. and theird how long is my ban you did not give the time in the ban or the reason so obviously you messed up

my reason being is i was taking stuff from a long time friend that even told me he was not comming back on. i checked the last time he came on and it was a year and something like 2 months ago, so obviously he was right he is not comming back on right? so 2crzy4uall cane and found me and when i tried to explain he did not listen and did not give me a warning or a chance he just banned me and said u are stealing even tough i explained myself. if someone valid other then 2crzy4uall can help me and explain this madness then what would be helpful and to get a unban if offered.

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