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Messages - olliebaba

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: Operator Application - Olliebaba
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:18:40 am »
I live in vancouver Canada, around the same timezone as you! good luck man!
oh, nice dude! thanks!

Rejected / Operator Application - Olliebaba
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:42:49 am »
Name: Oliver O’Donnell
Age: 17
Location: Southern California
Timezone: PST
Join date: 31 December 2010
Forum Join date: 1 January 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: In order to support our server by helping those who ask us for it. Currently I try to help other players as much as I can. But I am limited due to my current rank. My timezone is constantly brought up as a timezone that needs commited operators and I believe I am a perfect fit.
Why you should become an operator: I have a solid work ethic and am online a lot trying to help out guests and recruits especially with their needed tasks.
Extra information: Since I am from California, and here our time zone is PST, many times I find myself online with a problem and there are no operators online to help. So, I want to be able to be online in order to help, those closer to my timezone, (and everyone else) with their problems.

Accepted / [Builder] Olliebaba
« on: January 02, 2011, 02:31:03 am »
Ingame name: olliebaba
Join date: 31 december
Briefly describe all your creations: Sprites: 1. Megaman (in the color of sprite – a PUN haha) 2. Mario Mushrooms 3. Irish flag 4. Red Cup 5. Rainbow Pyramid filled with TNT
What worlds are the creations on: WorldOfRecruits

Links to screenshots of the creation:

megaman my first sprite

Irish flag
Mario mushrooms
red cup
red cup (different angle)
rainbow pyramid
inside of rainbow pyramid

Names of players who helped contribute: SpaceToaster
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Id love to be promoted because I believe I have a lot to bring to the table. My buddy SpaceToaster has taught me very well and I would love to expand on the knowledge he has given me by being promoted.
Do you agree with our terms: Yes

Pages: [1]