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Messages - cookieman667

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Cookieman667 BUILDER app
« on: October 25, 2011, 07:57:08 am »
Name: Sam Guest (cookieman667)
Age: 11
Location: New Zealand
TimeZone: Nz time i dunno
Wanted Rank:builder
Current rank :recruit
Why: i am a good freind, a good, quality builder help newcomers and dont misuse commands, also because my operator app was rejected.

cookieman667     (i know this is a lame app but look in rejected at my operator app and get most the info from there)

Rejected / Re: Cookieman667 OPERATOR APP
« on: October 25, 2011, 05:22:25 am »
But i have just been made a recruit.

Rejected / Cookieman667 OPERATOR APP
« on: October 25, 2011, 04:13:21 am »
Name: Sam Guest (cookieman667)
Age: 11
Location: New Zealand
TimeZone:NZ Time
Join Date: 2/9/11
Forum Join Date: 24/10/11
Current Rank: Member (house reviewing in progress(it was team build))
Wanted Rank: OPERATOR
Reason: I have a lot of experiense as an op beacause i am one on many servers and i own 1 currently ad have owned 3 in the past, i am freindly to others, i am a good builder and i help people when the need it, check for griefers, and dont promote un-necersaraly. I also go on the server all the time (at least 1nce a day 30+ mins). and also know almost all the commands. And i am also very mature and bright for a 11 yr old.
Extra random stuff!: Im rather good at maths (not like it matters) (and im not being self-sented!)

cookieman667 (if i have not met the reqiuerments for op, the rank down will be ok but i would prefer op)

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