Moderator Application - Dai_san
Timezone:UTC-5, Eastern Time zone
Join Date: Feb. 21, 2013
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: Why I think I would be a good moderator? Good question actually. I believe I have the communication skills and ability to make a good sound choices. I am a manager at home to a family of 5 (7 if you want to count two animals and no not talking about my husband lavalemming and children )Which means I do a lot of moderating as it is with my own family so it's second nature to me on the server.
I love this server and I believe how I can contribute to this community is by being a moderator. I have no special criteria other than what I already do on the server which is building homes and bringing the whip out when necessary to keep people in line when necessary.
I hope I didn't say too much or say to little either, I'm not much for words except to say the truth and what needs to be said.
Thank you