Age: I am currently 17.
Location: I currently live in California, USA.
Timezone: My timezone is GMT-8.
Join Date: I joined this server on April 16, 2012.
Were you recommended by anyone?: BigBadHenz
Why you should become a moderator:
Becoming a moderator is a common goal for everyone, but the real question is how are you going to use your privilege and power? I believe being a moderator takes more responsibilities than being a trusted or a member. That is because moderators will have to be careful not to wrongly use their power and their position to exploit any system in Opticraft and also I believe moderators are selected to help lesser privileged members with a cetain things such as placing water, lighting fires, placing lavas, and solve any issues that exist between players.
Well, I have explained the reason why moderators exist. Now I will tell you why I should become a moderator and how am I going to use my privilege and power. I joined this server on April 16, 2012, after a week or so of playing I started to like the server. I liked how this server has a perfect ranking system and good helpful staffs. The server and the staffs that helped me are pretty the reasons why I am applying for a moderator. They helped me a heap loads of time and showed me their kindness and I had a lot of fun in this server. I want to do the same thing, and help people just like how the staffs helped me and make others' experience in this server fun. If I got accepted, I will use my privilege and power to help people do common things such as placing water, lava, light fires, resolving arguments between players, and assist players. Thanks for reviewing my application and have a good day.