1.2.5. Seeds:
-6477892280881969750 - Because this is the first seed I wanted a special one. PINK SHEEPS!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCdT-g00Q-c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilVt9SofXzA i dont care -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MizWc16crzAstpattiesday -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jUSYq75wbc&feature=context-shows&list=SL-1835848876 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPbWyqKZj8E&feature=relmfu-671258039 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRDHvsHdTts&feature=relmfu-623160645725253637 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0dpY8hqikYSeeds that other people found for me (thanks for that!)
-9165502816360308850 - You spawn in the middle of a forest island. There is another island of similar or somewhat larger size south of the spawn and then a large land mass northeast of spawn. To the east of spawn, there is a really cool ravine on the side of the island with an exposed spawner (there are actually 2 spawners right next to each other). On the other end of the ravine is a really cool cave system that twists and turns and goes down. (
ieatxeadinschildrenatdawn - Spawns you in a nice jungle (
Chipaton) with around that Swamplands and Plains with in the plains some nice cave systems.
thisistheend... - (
Tobs) A special seed that spawns you on the end of a island. If you look behind and explore the island you will found some special/weird/cool things!
iamepic - This seed spawns you in a nice mountainous area with a small forest next to you, and starts you off with a good amount of wood, next to you. (
gavinisobviouslythegreatestperso - I assume it is an amazing seed. (
gavin1928374655) It is Gavin! Spawns you on the beach of a Snow Biome island. It has a ravine near to you and loads of Beach around the Snow Biome island. And a very cool island is next to it. A bit small bit it looks funny.
WybothForCrafter - I haven't tried this yet, but I think this is the best seed in the world. (
Wyboth) The seed above you has already that title. But this one comes close! It *splatsh* spawns you in water... It has a little Snow biome with a beach island next to you and 2 HUGH Awusome mountains next to you. Around the mountains are some special things but that is where it ends with the unique things.
Pen!s - It is very barren. (
Theone7142) No comment. (Wyboth)
I found those seeds so no video:
16569814 - You spawn on a Taiga/Snow Forest biome island with some places with Dirt and if you walk further you will find a Jungle.
6477892280881969750 - Spawns in a Swampland with every biome except Mushroom. The Jungle is on mountains and make sure you visit the Mountains with no Jungles in this Seed! There is really something cool there!
1656981960 - Spawns on a Forest biome island that looks weird...
-2228531529072830420 - Spawns on plains with Pumpkins and a cool Ravine. Has some huge Mountains that nearly reach the clouds.