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Thanks for that insightful commentary.
And as a conclusion, go mine with diam. pickaxe for 30 mins, and you got a double chest of cobblestone. It doesnt take hours or days.
The issue here is not about locking chests. What I want to clarify is that stealing is no different from griefing and should be treated as such.
The point I see here in this topic, is not the stealing=griefing....blah blah..
Our policy is lock it or lose it. We give you what you need to keep your materials safe. If you choose not to use it, we are not responsible.
I will admit that locking does alleviate the issue. However, I have so many chests that I forget at times which are locked and which unlocked for some reason, and that's why this happened, I forgot the chests were unlocked after a community project and started using them for something else.