City name: Edgeville
City location (coordinates, not biome): X: 3121.9127
y: 67.6200
z: -162.9278
f: 3
Contributors: myself bobbarkee and missenvy
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): bobbarkee
Approximate dimensions:182X110 total area:20020 Squared
Number of active residents: 4 at the moment but lots for sale
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 10 larger houses, 22 total. just added another mansion a public pool and a restaurant.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: future plans are to keep expanding!
Why should we grant this city protection? because i hate having to worry about being greifed and it seems like a massive problem i have moved many times to try to avoid this but its not always safe. getting this city protection would set my mind at ease and would save me a very large amount of money protection stoning a huge space like that.