I know this has been posted already, but most people go to the Support area to look up how to get Trusted, and they see nothing, so they post topics asking how to get Trusted, ask other Trusted players, etcetera etcetera, mods get headaches, blah blah blah, Trusteds get tired.
So here you go, players.
To attain that sparkly orange name you dream of, there are some certain golden rules to follow.
1.This is the most important rule of all:
Do Not Ask for This Rank. Doing this will only lower your chances of getting Trusted. There are even two signs at spawn telling you not to ask!
2. Be online a lot. Let Operators and Moderators know you're active.
3. Don't break rules. Common sense. Trusteds are called Trusteds because they are, well, TRUSTED by the Ops! They TRUST you to know the rules. They TRUST you not to grief.
4. Be social. Get known. Let people know you exist on this server, instead of keeping silence. I know players that never talk and have played on Opticraft for months and months, yet are still members.
5. Be nice to other players. Even if you don't ask, you're online heaps, you don't break rules and you're social. If you act bad, you don't get Trusted. Be kind, help others out. Don't swear or rage when you die, do not disrespect mods just because they can't help you. They might be too busy. Mods recommend players for Trusted, so think before you talk back to them.
6. Lastly, be patient. It can take weeks, and sometimes months, to get Trusted. For example, I took about two months to get to my rank, and D00MKNlGHT, I think, took about 4 or so. Bide your time, and don't nag Ops about when you will get Trusted.
Hope this helped.