Age: 18
Location: Singapore
Timezone: GMT+8
Join Date:August 26, 2011, 03:00:02 pm Opticraft 1.73
Were you recommended by anyone?: BigBadHenz
Why you should become a moderator: I have been playing opticraft for a long time now, ever since its beginning in 1.73, I have never left it, and now it's has become an awesome server.
I should become moderator, as being a victim of the griefers destructive habits,many of my beautiful structures was torn to pieces. I find those "monsters" a menace to the community of opticraft, and I will definitely punish them for their devious crimes.
I will ensure that guest joining the server will have a pleasant experience init and will come back for more, eg getting rid of spammers, griefers, answering their question and interact with them rather then just waiting for a ticket. I am also very capable with mods commands, as I am a mod on another server, I am also really active, and can spend up to 6hours per day on opticraft. I also always play by the rules, and help out with water, I regularly take walks around the server looking for illegal structures, and report them(Bhoughton should know)Hence and therefore I hope to be a mod to ensure that the population in opticraft satisfied with opticraft, and also to ensure that there are fewer griefers or spammer, and also to entice new guest or member to set their roots in opticraft by being interactive and helping them to solve their problems, and also I will be able to help them more effectively and efficiently.
Thank you for your kind attention