City name: Mushroom City
City location (coordinates, not biome, include world name): x=4316 y=69 z= -1285
Contributors: Victino, Fadmad1998, Evank2911, _nos_, boshiwarrior, and more
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): evank2911
Approximate dimensions: 800x300
Number of active residents: Stevenman, evank2911, fadmad1998, _nos_, and a few more
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 31. Includes many farms, Community Center, Mines, and more.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The project is about 75% completed. We plan to make more homes, and plots in the future. This is going to be a really cool project when completed!
Why should we grant this city protection? Being the only mushroom city on opticraft makes this a pretty incredible city. There is a huge underground redstone path that powers the entire city. Being extremely complex, grief clean up will make this pretty impossible. This city is well established, and home to a great amount of residents, and a super friendly community.
[][][][][] Ground level of sample house. Each ground block is $100. Making this house $2000. Houses can be as tall as you want. Height does not count, but if 2nd and up floors are larger then first, those count as the base. Any questions can be mailed to me.
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