I know this is late but I never got a chance to introduce myself.
I'm FNVcourierjon and this is my favorite server!
I'm 15, my birthday is on Apr 6th, and my name is
I mainly like to play video games, watch tv, and ride my bike! I walk outside in the mornings with my family.
FNV stands for Fallout New Vegas, a RPG game made by Bethesda. In that game you are a courier who was shot in the head, trying to find out who shot you and why. I also play Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I play Halo Reach and MW2 with my brothers too.
My XBL Gamertag is
Revealer2012 and I use XBL Rewards to get Microsoft points!
I also have a Skype: jonathan.rabiu
Add me!
I have a Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Advance, and a Gameboy SP.
I watch lots of channels on TV, including CSI, and Criminal Minds and Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel.
I am a rising 10th grader and in the Orchestra. I play the viola. I take Latin and I like it a lot!
I downloaded Minecraft in April 2011 and got the Premium version September 2011! My friend bought a gift code for me (long story and I had to pay him back) just in time for the 1.8 release.
I joined Opticraft SMP on March 1st, 2012 and got Trusted on April 22, 2012 (Earth Day)
Here is the link for my second Moderator Application if you want to read it:
http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,11422.0.htmlI will add more stuff later...