Recently lLLEGAL foun a village past the border, then since its past the border, I could not get to it.
So I waited at the border for a coupl of days
Day 1-villager went deeper away from border
Day 2 villager went away from border
Day 3 villager came toward border but not near enough
Day 4 villager came past the border :DD I captured it.
Then I made a house and let them breed.
I believe this isn't breaking the rules, as I waited out side the borders in the wilderness really long, and the villager came to me, it's like a cow crossing the border, except villagers don't follo wheat.
Then a few days later an op told me that I can't have the villager as its pass the border...
Truth is the villager came into the generated world, an I captured it not past the border, so I belief it is legit.